Shoppers, where you want to be a fly on the wall

@drdoggie00 wrote:

@Mellifluy wrote:

I'm fans of both dr. doggie and serviceaward. I would definitely be expecting a wedding invitation, whether fictitious or not! smiling smiley
Aww, thank you, Mel! I'm a card-carrying member of your fan club as well. I'll mark you down with a +1, but how will you decide which side of the aisle to sit on? -lol-

I also add that I am a member of the @mellifluy fan club.

@drdoggie00 wrote:

@ServiceAward wrote:

This is a fun shop!! You don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
-laughing as I read- You forgot "quick and easy!"
That is the motto for the wedding night. *shiftyeyes*

You can throw it all away. When things break, things shatter. Keep it written on your face, the little details matter.

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@ServiceAward wrote:

That is the motto for the wedding night. *shiftyeyes*
I was waiting for somebody to say, "Doesn't that describe the bride?" -lol-

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
@SteveSoCal Eh, a salary and being on the road sounds fine. At least it is a more predictable income than MSing. I've applied for Forbes Travel evaluations which are still independent contracting but you have to be available flexibly 10 days a month. That's a little annoying and actually seems illegal to make that a contracting job now that I think about it.
@nolimitem wrote:

That's a little annoying and actually seems illegal to make that a contracting job now that I think about it.

There have been legal cases recently where business have been able to defend putting specific requirements on contractors (and employees) if it's a core component of their business. Modeling jobs, for instance, may call for a specific skin color or body type that some might find prejudicial, but if it's what the client asks for, it's allowed.

There was one employment case where a server who was less...'endowed' than most sued Hootes for not hiring her, and Hooters won the case. The restaurant was however asked to hire a predominance of men and also women that don't fit the physical requirements for servers to back of house positions.
I've always been something of a contrarian dater lol....knowing that people show their best sides soonest, I look for how they handle the tough spots - it makes for good judge of character - how do they handle traffic jams? poor restaurant service? car trouble?
You can learn a lot if you observe closely. So many people are so busy being self absorbed and trying to impress that they don't observe the other person carefully....often to their loss. The spoils, IMO, go to those who are early and keen observers of red flags.
I probably also carried over skills from my work to my personal life.....if you can make people comfortable with you, they'll tell you anything by the second date, "oh! you once murdered someone?" "oh interesting".

LOL...sorry some dark humor here this morning.
@nolimitem wrote:

@SteveSoCal Eh, a salary and being on the road sounds fine. At least it is a more predictable income than MSing. I've applied for Forbes Travel evaluations which are still independent contracting but you have to be available flexibly 10 days a month. That's a little annoying and actually seems illegal to make that a contracting job now that I think about it.

I used to be talent in a certain industry. I worked under strict contracts, which required me to have a certain look. No facial hair, not above a certain weight, and so on. As for skin color, while that was not in any contract in my industry, it would be carefully worded in the job advertisement. The same with gender. For certain roles I was the one who did the initial cuts and interviews. While I may interview men to comply with EOE requirements, I knew not to advance any of them to the next round (or if I did, only one) because we were looking for a female. It didn't matter if a man's experience, education, etc. were 100x better than any of the women. The same when it came to race.

@Mellifluy It would be neither. We would be flying in Tom + Chee. LOL
@sestrahelena Good catch. grinning smiley

You can throw it all away. When things break, things shatter. Keep it written on your face, the little details matter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2024 08:17AM by ServiceAward.
You find out reallllllllllll quick how a man handles "the bad times" when you become violently ill on the first date.

I haven't thrown up on Service's shoes yet, but something tells me he's the type who'd hold back my hair and tell me, "It's okay; it's only footwear." -lololol-

But yes, Tom+Chee....and a Krispy Kreme wedding cake. And Jerry's Snow Cones.

BYOB on the insulin.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2024 01:59PM by drdoggie00.
I'll add a couple of more shoppers. I would want to see @sestrahelena and @Morledzep do a revealed gas station audit and @Cassiespark do a stuffed animal replenishment. I've been to Build-A-Bear, and that's about it.

Or actually, I copied some of your entries drdroggie winking smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2024 12:57PM by Okie.
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