Holy cellphones, Batman!

Or "wholly" cellphones. There are four different MSCs running these shops! At least, four that I'm aware of. Maybe more. What the.... I guess it would be easy to get outed if anyone were to avail themselves of all the opportunities. It would be a dead giveaway showing up to the same stores every day with different scenarios. Or quadruple-dipping. I guess that's why communications are so expensive, to pay off all the MS programs. Seems like overkill.

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Yeah, if you're talking about the same one, I just signed up for two of these shops near me. I was really surprised because the MSC that sent me the email about them usually only has shops a bit too far from me. Plus the pay is better than the one that offered this shop for a long time. So I bit.
@sestrahelena wrote:

They might require more narrative.

Hopefully it won't be too painful. I'll report back if I remember.
I did not bite on the $15 shops because I knew it would have narratives. I'm not taking $1 less to type more.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
Well, the two I did today are each paying $20. The required narratives for the report weren't bad at all. So, we'll see. At least they were very near my apartment - and I didn't have to take a selfie in front of the store.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2024 06:58AM by shopnyc.
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