grocery store questions

For those of you that shop grocery, there's one you need an interaction with a person in every department. I'm running out of things to ask for, I've done many in the same grocery. There not that many employees either! But specifically the bakery, it doesn't have a service counter and the people are usually in the back of the bakery. Any suggestions for questions to the bakery people, or things to ask for that aren't too obviously in front of me? I've asked about cakes, about their donuts.

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sourdough bread, rye bread, where is it made, where is it baked, how long is it on the shelf before they reduce the price or toss it out. One of the stores I shop at has an awesome smelling olive oil and rosemary bread that has the texture of sourdough, you could ask if they have something like that? (It really does smell Devine).
Can you do the cakes with a picture on them? How much advanced notice do you need?

Do you put preservatives in the bread you bake instore? If not how long before the bread goes moldy? Do you have any thin sliced sandwich bread? The store I think you are talking about doesn't where i live.

For the florist I always ask if they can deliver to a hospital.

For meat I ask whats a good pot roast choice.

For seafood I ask about oysters or the difference between cod and any other fish.

Pharmacy I ask about allergy meds. The tech normally has to defer to the pharmacist.

Produce I usually ask the difference between $5 oranges and $4 oranges, apple etc.

The cashier and bagger, your on your own.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2024 02:39PM by wrosie.
And i shop the same locations repeatedly and interact with the same employees repeatedly. I remember them because I have to for my report. Don't know that they would remember you other than a regular shpper who isn't mystery shopping them. Especially if they're doing what they should.
Very often they don't/won't come from the back of the bakery. If they do...

How far in advance do you need to order a cake?
Do you bake your own whole grain bread?
Do you have gluten free options?
Do you have low fat/calorie options?
When can I buy baked goods that are still warm?
A long time ago I spoke with a scheduler about the questions because I was confused that the guidelines said to ask about something, but there were no questions on the report about it. I was told the guidelines were outdated and I didn't need to ask a question, just to ask where something was located, so that is what I have always done. Oddly, they recently updated the guidelines and still didn't remove that section.

My problem is asking where something is, which is mandatory to see if they will escort you. You have to make sure it is something they actually have, but not something that is so close that they wouldn't need to take you, or something so obvious that your request is ridiculous. I would love suggestions.

Also the greeting quote--almost always I have to speak first and there is no greeting! I've learned that isn't an acceptable answer on the report so I find I have to manipulate some sort of greeting. So, instead of "excuse me," I've started going with "hello," because normally they will say hello in response.

I used to take the shops occasionally when the bonuses got high, but now they get taken for $8 and it's just not worth it to me.
I rarely shop grocery anymore, but I used to ask for sugar-free pastries and cakes or vegan cupcakes (Kroger sells them).
I ask for matches or toothpicks.. they are small, and often difficult to find, and every grocery store carries them.
Another hard-to-find item: lemon juice. It is actually shelved with juices to drink such as grape or apple!

Or Is there a section for Asian/British/Middle Eastern (name your ethnic) food?
Pancake mix ( think Bisquick or Jiffy) is not shelved with all purpose mixes so ask for one or the other.
Another real life question I asked recently--Do you sell dark rye or pumpernickel bread?
I often ask for Anchovies. Many employees have to hunt for them. ( They are not with Tuna, etc. They are refrigerated)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2024 07:00AM by prince.
I was curious why anchovies would be refrigerated. I just checked my local ShopRite (the dominant food store chain in NJ) using their app on my phone and my local store carries 2 types of "tinned" anchovies and 1 type of "jarred" anchovies in olive oil. The app conveniently told me they are shelved next to the canned tuna fish in Aisle 7.
@prince wrote:

I often ask for Anchovies. Many employees have to hunt for them. ( They are not with Tuna, etc. They are refrigerated)

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
Do you bake the bread that Deli uses for the party sandwich platters?

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Do you have pearl onions?
I am looking for the refrigerated horseradish?
I don't see any beef liver in any of the cases, do you have any?

I try to ask for things that aren't obvious and common. If I ask the produce person for bananas, I look too obvious.
I've done the horseradish thing. My store has two places one on the condiment shelf and one in the refrigerator case next to the seafood. Haven't used it since they removed did the employee escort you to the item.
Is this the same assignment where you're supposed to go to Customer Service and have them summon someone if there's nobody in the assigned department? That's a nightmare.
I think that's a big box home store. These sound like the regional grocery store shops.

OP: for bakery I ask when they mark down cookie cakes, if they will sell me a tub of frosting (+bonus I actually LOVE it) or the schedule of rotating specialty breads. "When is the jalapeno bread on daily special?" I also ask if they can help me find frozen pizza dough, how far in advance should I call for a custom cake, the difference between the bettercreame and regular frosting, and if they can do large cookie tray orders. Do you make half moons in store or just sell the ones on the shelf? Where are the bday candles?

This is my favorite shop. It's my main store so I am a regular and love when I have it as a MS for the week.

I have standard questions for the other depts as well if you need ideas! We no longer require pharm, the coffee shop or floral here which is great. Floral never had ANYONE.

I have tried so many awesome tips and foods from the butcher recommendations. What started as an act for the MS is now on my regular shipping list! Slab pepper bacon is A+++ and cheaper than packaged!
If it's the store I'm thinking about, or any good chain, it's amazing the amount of knowledge the butcher, fish monger, florists and produce people have. They will help if you just ask. Whether on a shop or not.

Occasionally I've run into someone filling in, but if you find the regular person, you can learn alot about what you're buying.

Slab bacon cheaper than packaged...going to have to check it out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2024 02:54PM by wrosie.
If it's the same one I'm thinking it's the one that has an AdvantEdge for your loyalty. I have two MS scheduled for today.
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