Not sure if there's a monthly shop fulfillment obligation to the client. If a shop had to be completed by 8/31, I think the MSC would have been relieved and ready to assign it to you, especially if there was no bonus.
It's hard to say if the shop was initially scheduled in Aug and then adjusted to Sep, without being able to recall for certain what the initial date was when accepting the shop.
But since you have a strong feeling that it was an Aug shop, I thought about it some more. I did have one experience last year, where my assigned shop had a range of dates. It got pushed back two or three more times, where the date range got updated. ... Backstory - The scheduler initially posted a shop for a new client. Shoppers were given a range of dates, and did not have to commit to a specific date. I tend to wait until the last minute, which benefited me in this case. The scheduler informed us that the client had to push back the shops to a later date range. I think this happened two or three more times, and the scheduler profusely apologized. As a result of the delays, I went on the last date possible. I believe the scheduler said if you already did a shop, to let him/her know, and he/she would make sure you get paid.
I think the lack of response is the response. If the person who replied to you is still a general email address, I believe that's even more true. However, if there is a specific person who replied to you, you can try asking that specific person again or ask to get in touch with the client manager. You can phrase your questions in a direct manner, that would elicit a yes/no response. Once you get a person's contact information, it's nice to have in the future if you work on this client a lot. If you're in contact with the scheduler / client manager, they can make concessions with you quickly.
In the future, I would maybe recommend making note of the initial shop date when accepting, and comparing the shop date in the confirmation email to what you see in the system. It could very well be that the initial shop was in Aug, and then got updated to Sep. I don't know if you would get a notification email of that though.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2024 05:48AM by Okie.