Game Night!

That's true. I can't say I am too familiar with that era because that predates me, but I believe that was before free agency and player movement, and maybe even team salary cap? Teams were more heavily rewarded for being ran well from top-to-bottom, as players stayed with their teams long-term and could be seen as investments and resources - drafting well, player development, coaching, game-planning, execution, etc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 03:31PM by Okie.

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@sestrahelena wrote:

The Smart company has a game night of their own. $10! Are they kidding?

Like Shopperbob, I remember when these paid well. I don't remember what the company's name was, and I don’t think its the same now if they're still around.

The company that had the movies previews every Friday and then merged with the MS that did the McD. Pay was between $200-500 depending on event. Another company used to pay $200 flat
I got $150 last year plus $25 for drinks and $40 for parking. Definitely not for $8+$20 food.
Waiting to hear how it was. I did not choose any as I had a shop report to do last night. But to me the job pay did not sound out of proportion for the work involved in comparison to almost every other shop here. It sounded like one of the better paying shops for the work involved.
$8 fee and the option not use the $20 reimbursement for a 2 hour event??? his MSC is out of their mind. I would not do this shop based on their ridiculous low pay!
@Fatlady wrote:

$8 fee and the option not use the $20 reimbursement for a 2 hour event??? his MSC is out of their mind. I would not do this shop based on their ridiculous low pay!
yeah, I didn't do it, but if I did at that price, better believe I'm using the reimbursement.

Of course, yesterday as time was running out, they boosted the fee to TEN WHOLE DOLLARS! woo-hoo!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 06:32PM by KokoBWare.
I didn't do one. But if I was already going to watch the game with someone at a bar, I could see why someone would do it. It sounds like it wasn't too bad. For what the shop is, it sounds like it is the going rate these days.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 06:49PM by Okie.
The location I did it at was restaurant that has mystery shops and paid by gift card. I used my gift card for most of the meal out with my family. With the GC plus shop pay and reimbursement it was a free meal out for 4. It was easy to take a few pictures and count people. Interestingly enough they were not showing the game on any screens.

Sorry the shop didn't work out for you. The EST was clearly on the job board when you went to sign up for the shop. I do not know where it was in the instrx as I did not take one of the shops.

It did not sound hard though. maybe the next NFL game on Peacock they will do it again and I will take one.

I am interested in watching NFL games, so if they are going to pay me and feed me, that's better than me spending my own money.

i went out for monday night football (jets at 49ers). I spent $28 just to feed myself. Soda, wings, appetizers.

If you are doing this shop to pay bills, it certainly isn't going to get the job done, but it sounds like you only have to be there to see how many TV and take pics. Nothing about staying the entire game. So if you can somewhere and get $10 and some food and stay for 30 minutes, that's a fair trade off. Provided you like the content that is being shown.

@xbirdnerdx wrote:

I didn't notice that it was EST time. Instructions said 8:15-11pm. I live in CA and went at 9PM, just got an email that I went at the wrong time.
Canelo PPV starting to go up. Had other plans and locations too far for my liking though.
For Canelo Alvarez vs Edgar Berlanga PPV shops, just curious if anyone picked these up? I think the ones anywhere close to me got picked up at $40. But today, broadened my search, and it looks like it's at $75 now. Not planning in doing, but just interested to know.

Also, I saw those dreaded tacos come up mentioned in another thread, and got my MSCs mixed up tongue sticking out smiley
I see one in urban Los Angeles Saturday morning for $60. That's the only one I see for a radius of 100 miles. Nothing within 100 miles of Phoenix.
My son tried to do the fight night event at a bar in a town not terribly far from here tonight. The owner, who is a known @#$%&, noticed him taking pictures, and his usual explanation of adding the pics to google maps just made the guy even more upset. The guy chased my son out of the bar and threatened to call the police even though all he was doing was sitting at the bar trying to buy a soda and take a couple pics. So, my son came home.. he only got 4 of the pics needed and no purchase, no receipt. They weren't showing the fight.
Just did the fight night here in LA. The place was 2 miles from my house right on the beach. My fee was $60 plus reimbursement for the entry fee. Food /drink reimb was $10. Nothing on the menu was that cheap but I managed to spend a bit less than $12. Unfortunately I was noting in my notes app on my phone the details of people counts and table counts etc and then my entire notes app disappeared and was replaced on my phone by some silly page on "interest" stories I am not interested in. Fortunately I was able to remember what the counts were. Spent 2 hours chatting with a London bloke who just relocated here a few days ago. That was actually a fun shop.
@Morledzep wrote:

The guy chased my son out of the bar and threatened to call the police even though all he was doing was sitting at the bar trying to buy a soda and take a couple pics. So, my son came home.. he only got 4 of the pics needed and no purchase, no receipt. They weren't showing the fight.
Dang, what a bummer, sorry to hear.
Okie, it's the same guy that lied to CFA and got me deactivated. He told them that I was watching the movies without buying tickets. CFA wouldn't even listen to my side. It made my day when I saw that the theater he owned had been torn down.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2024 01:27AM by Morledzep.
Hm, I’ve seen CFA promoted here and there but never did anything with them. That is messed up, if they just side with the client and not do their own diligence to see if there’s any validity to the claim. I’ve read other accounts like that on the forum where it’s concerning. Some people will say and do anything just to avoid self accountability and actually own up to anything.
The NFL ones are back although it doesn't seem to be as many locations as the first week of the season.
I asked my son if there are any game day shops for Thursday night Football because I have an evening shop in an area that has a lot of bars and restaurants. He said there isn't anything available in the area I'm going to be in.
I saw ppwk. It's still not clear exactly what they are doing with the info. just how many tvs and which game(s) are they showing. wondering if they go back to the provider and tell them this business is doing this or that.

i understand the PPV ones where they think they are illegally streaming and trying to catch places doing that.

And this particular Sunday has nothing to do with peacock (like that friday night). These are all CBS/FOX games.
Back about 12 or so years ago I subscribed to DTV Sunday ticket.
There were a ton of message boards selling devices and telling you how to legitimately clone the passcard you put into you receiver to sell to other people. Or pay to get images you could use yourself and cancel your subscription.

I never did. But that was when Sunday Ticket was on satellite.

Now I believe it streams on YouTube TV. And I don't know about the pay per view fights.

But I believe this is what the shops are about.

Is the bar owner paying for 2 licenses and showing it on more TVs?
Im not sure.
I could see it be a "licensing" issue that a bar "cheating" by paying for only 1 or 2 tv's, but showing it on more.

I saw an article earlier this week about a Buffalo Wild Wings that was illegally showing NFL content and was caught because they didn't maximize the screen and people could see the illegal streaming service.

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