Game Night!

@Okie wrote:

I like that Green Bay is a publicly owned team. Invested shareholders. Being from Dallas, as much as there is some history with Philly, I like the way Howie Roseman constructs his team.

Being a Giants fan it's amazing how many there are in Dallas. And I hate Philly jus as much. But hey it's just a game right?

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Seems like they are okay with not filling these shops. Time is running out. They down to basically 2 days and lots of locations. No increase in pay.

Can you do more than 1 location? If there were 2 nearby, would you be able to go to each place and take the required pics? I know they don't allow multiple 5g or RC in the same meal period. Maybe they are clowns and not letting people take multiple of these too.
So I ended up taking one of these shops and I just got a cancellation notice for it.
I accepted one of the shops and the others are still listed available for me so i dont think that is an issue to do more than one. Since there is no requirement to stay to watch the game after you get your photos/count, you may have the option to just order food to go so you can capitalize on the $20 in reimbursement.
I accepted one and it was a closed location. They cancelled the shop today.

I think it said you could accept 2 locations.
All of the remaining 46 shops in my area are gone. I don't know if they are just not filling them or if they took them down so they could add an irresistible $1 bonus to them. Or maybe they just cooled off and are no longer "hot."
They sent out an email to say we could take two of the shops in the same time frame. I found two good restaurants/bars in my area about a mile away from each other. Then I got another email saying the client decided to cancel some (unspecified number) of them. So I'm down to just one for tomorrow night. Like DRJ said, nothing else shows up on the website. I think we had around 50 locations remaining in my area as well.
I checked at 2PM Pacifc time and saw plenty still listed in greater los angeles and arizona.

at one point there was one listed for the address at Knotts Berry Farm. Not sure if someone grabbed it or it got removed. I can't think of a place inside KBF that had televisions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2024 09:01PM by hbbigdaddy.
The delisted all of the remaining shops here yesterday, but I'm still getting emails asking me to grab one.
There's still quite a few here. $10 pay now. I've been eyeing one. Nice place, but more work involved.
Oh, there's so very much to say about these shops....

Like Okie, I had a similar assignment for a different company. I got $50 plus up to $10 reimbursement for one drink. It was not in a "sketchy" area per se BUT it was in an area where I stuck out like a sore thumb. It was for boxing, a championship title bout. I was the only single female in the place and the only person with my race/ethnicity. I was to arrive at 8 pm and see if the event was being televised. The guidelines didn't make it clear that I could leave as soon as I could get photos that an under-card fight was showing, and when I arrived I learned the title bout started at 11 pm, not 8 pm. Then, since I had already been nursing a drink for 3 hours, I felt I had to stay and watch the damn fight that went all 12 rounds. (I finally bought a second drink because it was ridiculous to have only 1 in 4 hours. No, it wasn't reimbused.) I got out of there at 12:30 a.m.

And because I'm in the habit of paying with a card to get a receipt (because who's going to ask for a receipt on a Saturday night for one $8 drink paid with cash?), I paid with a card. It was later when doing the report that I realized how easy it would be for the establishment to figure out what seat the photos were taken from, look at security footage, and/or just go back to the receipt for my name. Of course, this assumes the establishment ever sees the photos, which they may not. I'm guessing once they were fined or received a demand letter or something, they would pay up or try to negotiate (I did some googling about this). They would probably only see photos if they demanded to see the proof and/or it actually went to court, which they would be idiots to try because they would lose in a skinny second.

Anyway, I noticed that another boxing piracy audit has come up, and it's offering $10 plus the $10 drink. They're advising people to show up at 10 pm instead of 8 pm, so that's an improvement. Hopefully the detailed guidelines will advise it's prudent to pay with cash so the establishment does not have your name. Believe me, I sweated for a bit after this job, because the establishment likely got slapped with a fine of several thousand dollars, and now know they can't chance this again when they were making a buttload of money off it (they didn't charge a cover, but they had signs on their door and a clientele clearly familiar with them showing fights there). It was very possible they might be angry at the person they view as costing them a fortune.

The current $10 fee is an insult. These assignments are much higher in risk than the average mystery shopping job.

Now this new job for "Game Night" -- these are all over the country; basically they're throwing spaghetti at a wall and trying to pay little $ and hope to randomly catch one of the establishments showing the event illegally. The pay is crap. As others have said in this thread, picking a restaurant is much easier due to fewer TVs, but keep in mind the TVs may still be all over the place and you have to check all of them to see if the game is on. Plus the restaurants are less likely to show a restricted game versus a sports bar, so the restaurant jobs may be more likely to be canceled. I feel this is much less risky than the boxing match audits, but still.

Unless the guidelines say you can't, I recommend paying with cash.

I also recommend not taking these jobs unless you feel you can really blend in.

(Sorry for the length, but that was my most traumatic experience in the seven years I've been a shopper.)

P.S. I did speak extensively to the MSC about my concerns, and appreciated their responsiveness at the time. But I'm disappointed the fee is so low now (not that I would do it again), and as mentioned, I can only hope they urge people to pay cash.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2024 07:15PM by amyann2.
@amyann2 Thanks for sharing. I think my shop was with a different MSC. I had to arrive five minutes before the event was broadcasted, but only had to stay for one round of drinks. Thankfully, the establishment did NOT show the event. I was allowed to pay with credit card. This was the only shop that went unclaimed until the day of the event. It was a challenge to take the photos.

It was sketchy af and scary with the parking situation in a public lot. However, I got in and out slowly and deliberately. Once I got in my car, I sped off, for dear life.

Bonus included, it was more than $150.
Also, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I know for certain shops, the shop suggests taking a male guest with them.
You make a lot of good points that i had not thought of. Doing anything that late at night as a female (especially alone) can lead to trouble unfortunately. It sounds super traumatic and you're tough for staying. Yuck.

I think these are probably a bit safer because from the description, they aren't trying to catch them playing the game at all (it says they should be) but just how many TVs they are on and what the occupancy of the place is. To be honest, the one I am doing is a national chain and the other couple I looked at are also national chains, all in suburbs of Buffalo, NY. So 1. These likely aren't going to draw a predominently seedy crowd. And 2. There will be lots of people there, in and out for dinner, not necessarily there to watch the football game and 3. Even if it was fined, the "owner" is likely some LLC so none of the workers or managers will care to put the time in to try to find me.

This one I am looking at like, my husband and I will go out for a couple beers/wings and watch some football at our friendly neighborhood chain restaurant like lots of people do on a Friday night and it's like having a gift card for $28. :-)
Nicksmom525, I think you make a lot of good points as well. I'd definitely be more comfortable with the national chains, and if I someone to bring with me. (Ironically I'm newly engaged, and he also mystery shops, but we're 1700 miles apart until we can figure out the logistics, lol)

I think my experience has made me a little paranoid. I know it said they "should" be showing the game but I was suspicious of that because I think that particular game (the one last night, for which assignments were still listed today!) was streaming exclusively on one channel, and the NFL is notorious for grasping at every exclusive deal they can. I hope it's actually the case where the game *is* supposed to be showing and they're just gathering market research.

Anyway, enjoy the beers/wings!
The Smart company has a game night of their own. $10! Are they kidding?

Like Shopperbob, I remember when these paid well. I don't remember what the company's name was, and I don’t think its the same now if they're still around. They would assign a shopper an area, give you a list of locations to NOT shop (because they were paying to show the game) and the shopper would do their own research to find locations advertising the event, go, video it for a short time and move onto the next one. It could be very lucrative night.
@sestrahelena wrote:

The Smart company has a game night of their own. $10! Are they kidding.
Hm, not the brainy one, but red hot like Megan Fox in Transformers.
i believe the smart company is looking for the PPV fight NEXT weekend with Canelo Alvarez
Thank you Helena for mentioning the need to generate the locations of the past which paid $200 and up. As I have always needed to rustle up my own business, it did not occur to me to state that requirement. I do understand that for some folks cold calling would not be acceptable or perhaps possible. You were quite correct concerning the work being lucrative. One Sunday, I scored 3 hits.
@wrosie wrote:

Being a Giants fan it's amazing how many there are in Dallas. And I hate Philly jus as much. But hey it's just a game right?
Hm, I can see that. Maybe more Yankees fans as migrant/transplant fans.

For NFL, it seems like Cowboys, Steelers, 49ers, Bears fans have good representation across other areas. Maybe in some part due to the championship years. It’s rarer to see a dynasty in NFL. Also, neighboring states seem to adopt the Cowboys as a team. Chicago and Dallas seem to have a larger number of migrants/transplants in general.
Bears? Packers fans are more prevalent than Bears fans. There might be more Bears fans simply because Chicago is a bigger city, but Bears fans have basically been in the closet since their 1985 Jim McMahon/Refrigerator Perry days.. Green Bay has winning seasons with Favre and Rodgers.
That is true with the Packers. I don’t see as many Bears jerseys worn to your point, but I see more Bears shirts, hats, flags, cups.

I think also people just tend to root for winners. Some people loved the Pats for the longest time. There was Seattle for a bit during their run, even though like GB, they have a loyal fan base with no NBA team. KC the same, but more fans coming out of the woodworks since the trophies … and Taylor Swift effect.
@Okie wrote:

@wrosie wrote:

Being a Giants fan it's amazing how many there are in Dallas. And I hate Philly jus as much. But hey it's just a game right?
It’s rarer to see a dynasty in NFL.
Chiefs? Patriots? There hasn't been a repeat title winner in MLB since the Yankees 24 years ago.
@KokoBWare wrote:

@Okie wrote:

It’s rarer to see a dynasty in NFL.
Chiefs? Patriots? There hasn't been a repeat title winner in MLB since the Yankees 24 years ago.
That's true. Thanks for mentioning that. I stand corrected. I don't follow baseball closely.

Patriots are like a long period of consistency and the exception. The three championships in four years to start out. A period of regular season records. Then the run of three championships at the end. If they won those two championships against the Giants in the middle, nothing would come close. If Seattle would have won a second/repeat championship instead of Pats, things could have shaped out differently. KC is like the third phase of Pats. It shows if you have a Super Bowl ready team, you are only a QB away, when Brady went from Pats to TB. For the most part, that sums up the past 25 years up with repeat champions. Steelers had a stretch. Giants won when they got there. A lot of time passed in between Tampa Bay and Baltimore's championships. Sprinkle in some other teams.

NBA, the longest stretches were Spurs, Lakers, Warriors. Since LeBron and KD moved teams, it's not the same. There was a stretch where there was no point to the regular season, and there was Warriors vs Cavs fatigue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 01:40PM by Okie.
By design, dynasties in NFL should be more rare with single-elimination. NBA is best of seven, where the better team should win. All of that makes what Pats did historic and the rare exception.
@Okie wrote:

By design, dynasties in NFL should be more rare with single-elimination. NBA is best of seven, where the better team should win. All of that makes what Pats did historic and the rare exception.
In the modern day, yes. But Lombardi's Packers won 5 titles in 7 years. Paul Brown's Cleveland Browns reached their league's title game 10 straight years and won 7 of them.
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