Game Night!

Has anyone accepted one of these yet to see what the requirements are. It seems you need to count the TVs and take some pics. How many pics and what else?

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I'll play ... wait, wut? I thought this was General Chat ... Sorry, carry on (clicks away)
This is mystery shopping discussion, not general chat. I thought it should go here vs mystery shopping company, but maybe I'm wrong?
My bad, just joking. I enjoy your replies in the forum game threads in General Chat, and got mistaken when I saw this thread.
Honestly, I don't check categories, I just look at the "latest" posts.

Perhaps I'm on here too often, but which category someone posts under I really don't care. But apparently I'm wired differently than others on this board.
@DRJ My bad, again. I see what you mean now. I did a similar shop for a different MSC, and got a big pay day $$$ on that shop. It was a different event, and in a sketchy establishment, but one the biggest jobs I have been paid for given the effort. I doubt this one will be bonused though, as the other shop was in a less-than-safe environment and under unique circumstances where it's a rare event.
I don't want to accept the shop just to view the guidelines. If I accept the shop, I want to honor and fulfill my intention and obligation to complete the shop. But I'm guessing the ultimate purpose of this shop is if the establishment has the proper rights to televise "game night". It's being offered through a specific service.
@DRJ wrote:

Has anyone accepted one of these yet to see what the requirements are. It seems you need to count the TVs and take some pics. How many pics and what else?

If I recall from years past, they want to determine if the bar/restaurant is showing a pay per view event without having paid the required PPV fee or something like that.

Some places can charge a $20 cover charge to get in. Then you have to take one or more pictures showing the event onscreen.

I have not done any of this type of shop.
I accepted one. I don't know if i can say the name of the restaurant that mine is at but it is a chain. Other ones are at bowling alleys. But yes, you have to visit the restaurant while the football game is on, count how many tvs you see it on, take three photos of the game on tvs and an exterior photo. The shop pays $8 but it will reimburse up to $20 for food. You dont have to order anything, it says you can just walk around the restaurant and get the photos, pretending to look for a friend or something. You dont need to stay for the whole game. Just go long enough to take your pics. Seems easy.
For these shops, anyone else getting 75+ of these shops within a 20-mile radius? I'm guessing this is a Texas thing.
I have accepted one at a location that I have dined at before. Not a lot of TVs, so I'm comfortable that I'll be able to get an accurate count. You also have to count how many people are in the location and what the occupancy limits are. You have to fInd the posted sign from the fire department for that. All told, less than a dozen questions and no commentary. Four or five pics. Looks easy. I accepted one last year and it was canceled prior to game day. Maybe the location paid for the PPV and that's why it was canceled. Also, could have been the game was moved to a different time slot and / or day.
I saw these and was hesitant. Hubby is a big football fan, though not of either of the teams that are mentioned in the guidelines. Judging from the address, a couple of these are at restaurants, but at least 3 are at branches of a local sports bar with tons of TVs in the bar area. I guess the restaurant ones would be easier with fewer TVs to count. $20 wouldn't even cover a beer and an order of wings. Plus counting customers and lokking for the occupancy liscence?
If it's outside of the restaurant's happy hours, maybe some sports bars will offer a promotion for the season opener.

Weird that the NFL is kicking off on a Friday, but I read Friday is only an option if it's the first Friday of September. I'm not sure if they actually have to complete shops for all of these locations, but just need to fill a quota, and then the rest will go away once it's met.
I first encountered these shops 16 yrs. ago; the standard fee was $200 for a video. When in sufficient need, although never in my area, they paid up to $500. Give that sum a thought while you are gabbling these jobs up for $8.
Thanks all. I didn't want to accept one of these just to see the guidelines either. They sound reasonable, but counting the number of patrons and finding the occupancy sign sound like a PITA.
@wrosie wrote:

Honestly, I don't check categories, I just look at the "latest" posts.

Perhaps I'm on here too often, but which category someone posts under I really don't care. But apparently I'm wired differently than others on this board.
I've been using the "Mark Forum Read" button lately, to know where I left off or reset.
@Okie wrote:

For these shops, anyone else getting 75+ of these shops within a 20-mile radius? I'm guessing this is a Texas thing.
Oh f#@%! angry smiley 95+ of these came up as "Hot Shops!" now. This is not to be confused with Krispy Kreme's "Hot Light!"
/rant over smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2024 12:55AM by Okie.
I looked at some of the locations in my area, and there's actually some hidden gems. Some, it's hard to say which establishment it's for, because the address is for a general shopping area.
@DRJ wrote:

Hot shops with the same $8 pay they had before they were hot.
But they're "HOT!!!!" Doesn't that make you want to grab one????
@KokoBWare wrote:

@DRJ wrote:

Hot shops with the same $8 pay they had before they were hot.
But they're "HOT!!!!" Doesn't that make you want to grab one????
Why would anyone take one of these and not purchase food? The ones here are at a pizza place and offer $8 shop pay and $20 reimbursement. I had contimplated ordering a pizza for carryout and taking the pictures while I waited on my carryout order.
Just counted for fun: As of this writing, there are 2 of these shops available in the Green Bay area, 17 in the Milwaukee area, and 46 in the Philadelphia area. Green Bay MSA's population is about 300,000, Milwaukee MSA 1.5 million, and Philadelphia MSA 5.8M.

This highly unscientific study suggests the client is, proportionally speaking, ever so slightly more worried about signal theft in Packer Country than in Eagle Country. Oh those thievin' cheeseheads. smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2024 01:31AM by KokoBWare.
I like that Green Bay is a publicly owned team. Invested shareholders. Being from Dallas, as much as there is some history with Philly, I like the way Howie Roseman constructs his team.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2024 01:48AM by Okie.

These shops are posted in CA too. I did not check other states, but I'm sure whoever is paying for it wants to know who is broadcasting the game and how many televisions. I cannot imagine all of these places should NOT be. Maybe they just want to validate they are only showing it on the number of screens they are paying to do so (like a software license). They might have paid for 2 TVs, but showing it on 5 and that would be a problem.

Game is in Brazil and being shown on the PEACOCK network. In Southern CA, just in the radius search of 90630, there are still 51 locations on the shop board. I do not know who many were initially listed.

Wondering if the pay will go up on Friday. I would imagine they would want as many of these filled as possible and might increase the pay come Thursday or Friday.
@hbbigdaddy wrote:


These shops are posted in CA too. I did not check other states, but I'm sure whoever is paying for it wants to know who is broadcasting the game and how many televisions. I cannot imagine all of these places should NOT be. Maybe they just want to validate they are only showing it on the number of screens they are paying to do so (like a software license). They might have paid for 2 TVs, but showing it on 5 and that would be a problem.

Game is in Brazil and being shown on the PEACOCK network. In Southern CA, just in the radius search of 90630, there are still 51 locations on the shop board. I do not know who many were initially listed.

Wondering if the pay will go up on Friday. I would imagine they would want as many of these filled as possible and might increase the pay come Thursday or Friday.
Edit: All this time I kept thinking it was on Sunday night, I look again and it's Friday. Thanks for making me double check! But in Fl it's a football game. That's why my head must have thought it was Sunday night; I believed that's when football started. Still not taking this shop for $8 lol.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2024 03:01PM by Tiffany0921.
@Okie wrote:

Weird that the NFL is kicking off on a Friday, but I read Friday is only an option if it's the first Friday of September.
I stand corrected! Still a Thu opener at defending champion KC. One Fri standalone game. As hbbigdaddy mentioned, game in Brazil where Phi designated as home team.
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