Fitness Tour Shop

A fitness club ("gym" as the kids call it now) shop ---from the same MSC that does the burgers. It says call, tour, and one photo. Of course I can't read guidelines unless I take the shop. Doesn't say anything about enro0lling in a free workout. Has anyone done this shop and any opinions? Thanks

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Is it the MSC with the "are the employees genuinely happy to be working there" question? I've seen them and did one when Bestmark had them.

Bestmark wanted a picture of the sign, the front door, I believe the class schedule and the different enrollment plans. I only did it once because I lived a little over a mile from it.

I never thought they were were a nationwide chain. But I live about a 10 minute drive each way now, that plus time in the club and a report, $12 doesn't do it for me. Bestmark never bonused the shops.

I was pleased with the facility. Small but clean, organized with every type of workout equipment you could think of.

And professional employees.
The MSC is the "who wants a burger people. It's a phone call, a visit, a tour, and one photo of exterior.

I've taken it. moments ago. It was bonused - $30,00 and it's near a potential Five Guys I can do not too far from home. Looking at guidelines now it doesn't seem onerous or unreasonable.

While the call isn't recorded thankfully -- - -I hate phone calls cause I feel I'm at the mercy of the Putzery picking up the phone but oh well nothing is perfect smiling smiley
$30 is a fair fee for this shop imho. I don't particularly enjoy doing them but I have for $25, $30 and, $40. I also dislike phone calls but this one is easy. The "gym" always seems to have a bunch of macho, workout dudes there lifting weights. It's not my cup a tea. I once asked the guy if they had a defibrillator and if they knew how to use it. He didn't get my humor.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2024 03:17AM by MsJudi.
There are currently 2 different brands of gym shops. The walk-in one is a PIA, because they ask you so much personal information and because their salespeople are super-aggressive and even have a closer just like the auto dealerships have. The other one is ok, except that you have to call and set an appointment, but the hardest part is dragging out the visit to the 20-mininute minimum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2024 03:37AM by AZwolfman.
I just read guidelines - line by line and saw no mention of 20 minutes minimum. If I saw that I'd nice the shop. I hate when it's the shopper's responsibility to make the employee do his job smiling smiley
I think AZ is referring to a different shop. I know the one you're referring to. Twenty minutes isn't too hard to get to, however, because you take a tour and that takes about 10+ minutes at least, usually. But I don't remember a minimum of time required.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
The confusion stems from the OP not listing the client name or the MSC name in the post. Now that @wrosie attached a MSC name...i don't think the client can be mentioned even if it was not for that MSC.
Bestmark is not the current MSC and no longer has the client I was referring to, EDITED TO ADD which is not apparently who the OP is talking about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2024 05:50PM by wrosie.
This may be off-topic, but has anyone done a successful gym tour shop on the secret platform with the MSC that has three numbers? I read a thread where @Texans had a bad experience, and he visited the locations that are comparable to the ones I had in mind.

I wouldn't mind picking up some of these shops. I'm looking to cycle through some gyms down the road, before ultimately signing up for a long-term membership, and I wouldn't be opposed to making some money while doing a tour/class/session.
I have only done the gym shop that has 3 letters and the first 2 are vowels. They also have a movie theatre room with treadmills and ellipticals. Was not terrible, but they want exact details to everything and the order it happens. I found just recording the entire event made it easier in case I was unsure.
OK just wanted to report back in case someone is looking at this thread in the future. I did the Fitness shop...this is the "From the Old Days" named Fitness place and I've done burger shops for the MSC (fun huh? Burgers and fitness). Anyways, I felt the shop was straightforward, reasonable and I'd do it again for $30 and up. I hate phone and pics....and this was just a simple exterior pic so that worked. The guidelines were straightforward and reasonable. Anyhow, my two cents.

OH just to have fun the girl asked me to sign up and my objection was "I need to think about the money. I'm gonna go to lunch at that the new Popeye's down the street and decide after that". Hee Hee. All Miss Organic could muster was "Alrighty Then". I admit it. Cheap thrill.
@BabyBooey19 Thanks, maybe I'll look into this. I read too many horror stories about gym and apartment tours to ever try it out.
I used to do gym shops back in NYC, and they were easy.

For the life of me, though, I can't figure out which MSCs and what gyms are being discussed in this thread. Hints need to be a bit less cryptic! Saying it's "the MSC who has the ___ shop" doesn't work because MSCs have different clients in different regions. It probably doesn't matter anyway. Where I live in New England, there are mostly privately owned gyms and only one chain gym, which is shopped but never at the location near me.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 08:35PM by shopnyc.
@shopnyc wrote:

For the life of me, though, I can't figure out which MSCs and what gyms are being discussed in this thread. Hints need to be a bit less cryptic! Saying it's "the MSC who has the ___ shop" doesn't work because MSCs have different clients in different regions.
Mystery shopping charades … the struggle is real, yo.
I think @BabyBooey19 dropped a good hint. There looks to be some in NE. “From the Old Day”. Think old, antique, vintage. Ends with a vowel.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2024 08:45PM by Okie.
Cool hope it goes well. Just to clarify I've only done this one gym shop and I'm solely referring to it -- can't speak for other MSCs or other gym brands.
It's the famous more than four men burger MSC

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Bacon Angus King at Burger King is better than gym. Soda isn't healthy so just order regular fountain Coke. Mind you fountain Coke is better at McD.
Okie, between 2005 and 2022, I completed in excess of 400 apt. shops of the traditional, audio, video and survey types. In Nov. of 2022, I completed 4 @ $100 per. The only reason I have not completed any since that date, is an unacceptable work:pay ratio for me. Unless you are averse to narrative, check the requirements and proceed accordingly. Both recorded calls and especially targets command more money for me to sign-up for the job..
You say from the old days, and I go back to Gold's Gym and gay men. Yes, I'm old... I'm not doing any gym shops unless they are for the purple and black "lifestyle" gym, and then I'm still not going to because I can't listen to that awful autotune "music" that they play.
Oh I do remember shopping the purple and black gym a long time ago now, and a purple and green gym. Gold's Gym is too hardcore for me. Long-term, I would probably spoil myself with amenities at a Lifetime or Equinox.

What wrosie said, think adjective - vinyl. Red, yellow, black. It might not be in all areas.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2024 07:10AM by Okie.
Damn the current MSC hasn't been mentioned.

Retro Fitness. And it's the one I was describing in the second post of the thread. Seems the new MSC doesn't need as many pictures.
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