Yes OP sometimes a "slice of life" story is fun.
My career/business trajectory is backwards in that most people start small, and do better as time goes. I'm 49 now . Was never a good student. (Sister is a top lawyer lol) and I had jobs since age 12. Started in sales at 16 even wore my tie to high school and cut school to go work. Lived at home and at age 24 bought my own company. We turned it around, I sold it at a huge profit and then did the same with company #2. Now----company #3 I failed for a few re. Thasons: I was lazier. I was fat and happy, had good money in bank. Had Wife, kids, I spent too much time doing domestic stuff. 2.)The management team I had was with me 20+ years which was AWESOME but at the end they'd paid off weddings, houses, college tuitions and got so lazy. There was infighting. I was slow to fire everyone and start over and also - it's hard finding people. Some of the very employees I depended on got very out of sorts and I felt it was unfair. Enter Covid: Credit lines dried up and I REFUSED to put more of my money into the business and long story short, I sold company 3 at a loss. *OH* the Corporation that had some authority over me - I owned the business real estate BUT they had "site control" decided to raise my rent 25% to boot....why? I found out they wanted to sell my property to another person.....waive the site control. **** The good employees I personally took care of financially and transitioned them to their next place. The other ones lost their jobs. The *worst* part: I'd have made an embarrassing amount of money had I stuck it out, or done a better job those last few years and to this moment *4 years later* is saddens me so much - I can't even cry.
BUT I remind myself: No college. No good grades. Not good looking and not that smart. I did things how I wanted and lived so well for 20+ years. Full freedom. I was my boss. Vacations, etc. I "retired" years ago at age 46.....and barring a major major nuclear war or huge depression I'm "good" until age 87 and can put kids thru college albeit with some cutting back on expenses. On one hand I'm depressed inside, on the other I know I'm fortunate.
I started asking questions on this board about 1-2 years before I went under. Then a year after selling my company I started doing burger, Mattress ,etc. Why do I do it? I like getting out of the house and feeling like "I'm making money" and my ego is not ready to have a boss yet and if I worked, I'd be in my old industry, working for someone half my age toting an I-phone and tattoos and pronouns. Not happening.
Anyways, started with Five Guys and Mattress 3 years ago. Goal was - and I'm on track to earn pre-tax $200 per month. Best month is $540. I consider this my "lunch money" and or, multiplied by 4,5,6 year it's extra spending money for my kids in college. I also hate that I used to be a bigshot and now my kids don't even know it. So it's nice to say "I'm going to do a retail evaluation" lol. I figure a few more bucks, a few more credit card points, it makes me feel good inside, and hey, it helps buy a few more lunches at the diner so why not

. Also I'm already sort of introverted and being at home watching movies every day I don't want to become a total Boo Radley and "out of it" simple shops I screw with basic things like taking pics, using the computer (I hate tech lol), talking with people, being observant, etc. Anyhow, that's a sort of long answer to OP's question. *** Oh btw the corporation that waived site control on my property ? The people that bought my location have already submitted for high-rise permits and will liquidate the business eventually.....and someone at corporate I bet gets a "fee" from those proceeds

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2024 08:28PM by BabyBooey19.