@Okie wrote:
SteveSoCal On average, how long do the fine-dining reports take you?
@misspocos75 wrote:
Revealed/Unrevealed gas station shops would be great. It would help if the northern states could just do revealed shops in the summer & unrevealed in the winter. Living in a multi season climate with winter temperatures dropping down to -20°F with the windchill, always freezes my phone and causes it to shut down while taking outdoor photos, so the shops end up taking forever with multiple trips to the car to warm up the phone with the heater on high.
@BarefootBliss wrote:
it's kind of interesting how we're each so different....our preferences so unique. I suppose a lot of is also based on location.
As one of those who enjoy grocery stores, I suppose one of my reasons is that I enjoy talking with the associates and learning stuff from them. For instance, on separate grocery store visits in a chain I shop weekly anyway, I learned that in the Meat dept they will cut up a whole chicken for free (cheaper than buying the bird already cut-up) and will also remove that white membrane along the baby back ribs for free. Anyhow, that's just me!@hbbigdaddy wrote:
I'm really surprised at the so many grocery store answers. I hate that many interactions and detail. I want easy, quick, painless shops. i am willing to do longer shop (like timeshares) because the pay is significantly higher. Plus i'm getting other benefits.
Just like with my Panda Express shops, I will always opt for drive-thru first, then online order. I don't want to be bothered with the extra questions and extra time expected for a dine-in with Panda. The extra fiddy cent is not an enticement.
@viv0412 wrote:
Part of the reason I shop is so that every day isn't redundant. So I would not pick just one.
@myst4au wrote:
Teller shops. I like getting paid to deposit my own money. Deposit 6 times, withdraw. Repeat.