Capital Grille

Is Capital Grille still shopped? They're opening one here and I remember seeing shops for them years ago, but never paid any attention since we didn't have one. I don't recall which MSC had them and haven't seen them listed in years.

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Haven't seen one in years. The rest of the concepts in the parent company don't get shopped anymore either.
I've spent my own $$$ the last few years there. I used to love the 3 person shop to take two friends.
@viv0412 I remember those shops. They did 3 people at times for Roy's also, and was nice to bring a small group of friends. And someone had to pretend it was their birthday!
These shops returned in August. Same MSC as before. Like Eddie Vs only a handful of locations are being shopped each month.
I picked one up for the first of September. I though maybe it was only available because it's a new location. They trained their staff well. They hit all the points and did an excellent job. The food was great too. I also saw the web/event planning shops for October.
I only did one of these back in the early 2010s. I liked the food/experience. Found the details/narrative requirements to be painful. I doubt much has changed and if anything has only gotten worse. I will stick the the ghetto Texas Roadhouse and 10 minute reports :-P
@DRJ wrote:

I picked one up for the first of September. I though maybe it was only available because it's a new location. They trained their staff well. They hit all the points and did an excellent job. The food was great too. I also saw the web/event planning shops for October.
Same here, I completed a couple. I see it at some locations. Not sure if I'm just missing the other locations, or not being shopped. The rotation period is on the shorter side.
Loved shopping them. One out of the way location here, sad. We go and pay on a regular basis and have had family and friends gatherings/celebrations there The Capital Grille is wonderful and they never disappoint.
I just completed my first one this month (recorded phone call only). I had never seen them before. I am in Kentucky.
@gigishopper Just curious, was this the web/phone event planning shop? At the time, when skimming the guidelines, it seemed like it was too much trouble for the pay.
They did a lot of shops for newly opened locations. There were shops being done 1-2 times a week. I did one. It was almost exactly the same as they previously were, but with more reimbursement. They also are doing some web/phone shops.
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