That sucks, but how was the $6.60 even rung up? That's below the price to mail a pound via Priority.@gene wrote:
did one shop. clerk placed stamps to the box without my permission. I said to her not to do so. but she refused. She placed several on the box and added some pay of $6.60. The total was $11.70 for Priority mail. The receipt shows stamps plus $6.60. But my shop was disapproved stating I bought extra services. I wrote email to scheduler and explained the store. How shall I explain?
I would have refused the service and told the clerk that I did not ask for stamps, and that I wanted to send it Priority. If clerk refused, I would have involved the manager. If they still did not do their job correctly, I would refuse to pay and taken my package back. I would not shop that location again.@gene wrote:
did one shop. clerk placed stamps to the box without my permission. I said to her not to do so. but she refused. She placed several on the box and added some pay of $6.60. The total was $11.70 for Priority mail. The receipt shows stamps plus $6.60. But my shop was disapproved stating I bought extra services. I wrote email to scheduler and explained the store. How shall I explain?
Plus, you tell them that you shipped this for work and they're not going to accept the receipt that way.@AZwolfman wrote:
I would have refused the service and told the clerk that I did not ask for stamps, and that I wanted to send it Priority. If clerk refused, I would have involved the manager. If they still did not do their job correctly, I would refuse to pay and taken my package back. I would not shop that location again.
@Susan L. wrote:
Priority comes with insurance, so I'm wondering if those stamps plus postage included insurance.
Why would I tell them that I shopped it for work? That would not be necessary.@MisterBill wrote:
Plus, you tell them that you shipped this for work and they're not going to accept the receipt that way.@AZwolfman wrote:
I would have refused the service and told the clerk that I did not ask for stamps, and that I wanted to send it Priority. If clerk refused, I would have involved the manager. If they still did not do their job correctly, I would refuse to pay and taken my package back. I would not shop that location again.
@gene wrote:
The receipt is clearly stated insurance of $100 and tracking.I sent it from Allentown, PA to Pittsburgh, PA
The postmaster at one particular downtown location like to do this as well. She started to do it the first time without telling me I told her to stop and asked her what she was doing. She said she needed to use up the postage. I told her she could use it up on another customer that agreed, but this was a business package, and it looked downright tacky. She gave me the stink eye, but she fixed it. She clearly doesn’t remember me because she has tried to do this to me at least three times.@gene wrote:
did one shop. clerk placed stamps to the box without my permission. I said to her not to do so. but she refused. She placed several on the box and added some pay of $6.60. The total was $11.70 for Priority mail. The receipt shows stamps plus $6.60. But my shop was disapproved stating I bought extra services. I wrote email to scheduler and explained the store. How shall I explain?
@BayShopper22 wrote:
The postmaster at one particular downtown location like to do this as well. She started to do it the first time without telling me I told her to stop and asked her what she was doing. She said she needed to use up the postage. I told her she could use it up on another customer that agreed, but this was a business package, and it looked downright tacky. She gave me the stink eye, but she fixed it. She clearly doesn’t remember me because she has tried to do this to me at least three times.
Doing it this way is more beneficial for the MSC. I wouldn’t look for the payment structure to change to anything that’s in our favor.@West90001 wrote:
July amounts....$5 fee and $15 reimbursement...don't expect to get $20 unless you meet the reimbursement amount. I had a few under $15 so basically I got paid $5.....I am only sharing this in case anyone is not aware. That just did it for me...not sure why I did not realize when picking up a few. LOL. I prefer just a flat fee and thats it...wish they would just pay $20 instead of breaking it down w/ F/R. (sigh).
@Insight wrote:
I did three shops. One was over $15 to mail and the other two were $10.35. All were bonused for $10. It appears that I am getting $25 for each in my pending mail.
Amazon and Walmart rolled out drone delivery to an area nearby. One of the Walmart is part of the pilot program. Thankfully my home is not in the proximity of the delivery route. So far though, I've heard it's gone well from some who have used it.@sandyf wrote:
That is not very satisfying an idea. I like having people for flexibility when you need something out of the ordinary. Their next move might be to have those little robots that deliver food come and deliver our mail. I have seen them rolling down many neighborhood streets here. They even can cross streets with several lanes of traffic all by themselves. I live in So Calif so I have not yet seen one stuck in a snowbank!
@Okie wrote:
Whenever the federal government tries to modernize their systems or processes, one can always count on setbacks and delays.
Unrelated, but saw an article this morning about forever stamps rising in price on Sun. I'll copy/paste the article here, since people may have access issues with the link.
You may want to stock up on stamps today, because postage prices are going up again Sunday.
The cost of First-Class Mail Forever stamps will rise to 73 cents from 68 cents—a 7.4% increase—effective July 14.
Among other price hikes, domestic postcards will cost 56 cents, up from 53 cents; and international postcards postage will go to $1.65 from $1.55 previously. The additional-ounce price for single-piece letters is increasing too, to 28 cents from 24 cents.
Previously purchased Forever stamps can still be used; however, if you plan on needing more, now might be the time to buy.