@Isaiah4031a wrote:
@sandyf wrote:
The help desk said it was because my start time was before the time set when I checked in. After checking in I sat in my car for a while but I did not count that as the start time for the job as in the old company the start time was when you walked in and got in line. So I changed that and I guess that was where the issue began. They kept emailing me to fix the start time but my job had been submitted somehow so I could not access it. So it is all up the air now.
Just say you get in the post office parking lot at 2 PM. Take the require pictures outside as needed and check in on the app. You walk in and wait in line for 5 minutes (Observing the lobby) (Depending on how it is set up).. You get to the counter at 2:06 PM. You leave the counter at 2:07 PM.. You get in your car at 2:08 PM.
How will you do the times in the report?
@ServiceAward wrote:
I just noticed my USPS has two open shops. One with a $20 bonus plus $5 fee and another with a $15 bonus, plus $5 fee. I thought about taking them, but as I reread this thread it sounds like they are still a headache.
@ServiceAward wrote:
I just noticed my USPS has two open shops. One with a $20 bonus plus $5 fee and another with a $15 bonus, plus $5 fee. I thought about taking them, but as I reread this thread it sounds like they are still a headache.
@sandyf wrote:
@ServiceAward wrote:
I just noticed my USPS has two open shops. One with a $20 bonus plus $5 fee and another with a $15 bonus, plus $5 fee. I thought about taking them, but as I reread this thread it sounds like they are still a headache.
Glad to hear they will go up over a $10 bonus. David told me they are not approved to go higher than $10. I would grab them if I was you. The job is not difficult. It is something with my phone i think but completing it at home worked much better for me. Today I shipped an almost 3# box to zone 4 and it came in under the max reimbursement. I think I will have to ask my zone to move closer than Zone 8.
@sandyf wrote:
Perhaps David was pulling the proverbial wool over my eyes. He told me that when he was trying to get me to do three shops at $10 bonus each. I turned him down but then he did me a favor so I took another shop he needed done yesterday to help him out. I regretted it on the interminable drive thru LA traffic.
@cherubino3 wrote:
@sandyf wrote:
Perhaps David was pulling the proverbial wool over my eyes. He told me that when he was trying to get me to do three shops at $10 bonus each. I turned him down but then he did me a favor so I took another shop he needed done yesterday to help him out. I regretted it on the interminable drive thru LA traffic.
They may not yet have had the authorization to increase the fees. Isn't this the first round? I took some when it was $10 bonuses bc I needed to mail some things. But now I am a little more selective. And I wait, if I can.
@ServiceAward wrote:
I like it when the MSC filled in the number of work stations. My pst office is set up differently than most. There is a traditional counter with 3 work stations. Then, there is a separate counter on the side opposite from the main counter that is supposed to only be for passports per the signage, but sometimes the person there will accept packages. The other MSC knew the set up and i was always good with them if i got called to that counter, even though it was not counted as a workstation. Before i take on a job with the new company, ill have email them to see how they want me to handle that situation.
@ServiceAward wrote:
I like it when the MSC filled in the number of work stations. My pst office is set up differently than most. There is a traditional counter with 3 work stations. Then, there is a separate counter on the side opposite from the main counter that is supposed to only be for passports per the signage, but sometimes the person there will accept packages. The other MSC knew the set up and i was always good with them if i got called to that counter, even though it was not counted as a workstation. Before i take on a job with the new company, ill have email them to see how they want me to handle that situation.
@sandyf wrote:
Isaiah, I have done literally at least 100 of these shops. this part is exactly the same as the prior company. It is the issue that on my phone the report keeps telling me my times are not in the correct part of the day for the shop. When I came home today and went online I saw that the time I put in on my phone showed a completely different and incorrect time online. I do not know why this is happening but now I know finally how to get around that issue.@Isaiah4031a wrote:
@sandyf wrote:
The help desk said it was because my start time was before the time set when I checked in. After checking in I sat in my car for a while but I did not count that as the start time for the job as in the old company the start time was when you walked in and got in line. So I changed that and I guess that was where the issue began. They kept emailing me to fix the start time but my job had been submitted somehow so I could not access it. So it is all up the air now.
Just say you get in the post office parking lot at 2 PM. Take the require pictures outside as needed and check in on the app. You walk in and wait in line for 5 minutes (Observing the lobby) (Depending on how it is set up).. You get to the counter at 2:06 PM. You leave the counter at 2:07 PM.. You get in your car at 2:08 PM.
How will you do the times in the report?
I don't look too far outside of my general area, but $25 may have been the highest I've seen so far.@cherubino3 wrote:
Once it was $200 for a remote location. I don't see those really big bonuses happening with this MSC and this scheduler.
Oh man, I checked today. And it seems like all the locations got refreshed, and if applicable, reset back to base without bonus.@cherubino3 wrote:
Do these shops reset on October 1 and start over? That's what the former MSC had going, and what many MSCs do. I am not sure about this MSC. The bonuses aren't the highest I've ever seen on a shop. Once it was $200 for a remote location. I don't see those really big bonuses happening with this MSC and this scheduler.
@big_sky_thunder wrote:
As of today when I checked the guidelines, the minimum weight required is 1.5 lbs. ( from 1 lb.) That makes the $.99 16 oz of pasta a no go now. That really puts me off now.
@Okie wrote:
Oh man, I checked today. And it seems like all the locations got refreshed, and if applicable, reset back to base without bonus.@cherubino3 wrote:
Do these shops reset on October 1 and start over? That's what the former MSC had going, and what many MSCs do. I am not sure about this MSC. The bonuses aren't the highest I've ever seen on a shop. Once it was $200 for a remote location. I don't see those really big bonuses happening with this MSC and this scheduler.
Stay strong! Realistically, there will be some locations claimed early because a need arises. I can't really fault someone for that. But I have a feeling this quarter is going to be worse.@cherubino3 wrote:
Yes, darn it!! I have a package that needs to go out which someone purchased from me on Amazon at 11pm GRR! So, I'm going to hold my nose and do on for the shipping reimbursement. Everything else that I am sending to family, I will just sit on until the end of the month. I hope others in my area feel the same!!
The MSC will call and beg, and I will just be like, oh no, I'm not going that way, sorry. Then they'll say they can bonus $5 and I will probably laugh. Or maybe it's best to just not answer or say chhhhhh chhhhhh sorry, I think we chhhhhh bad chhhhhhh connection. chhhhhhhh. Sorry. chhhhhhh.
@big_sky_thunder wrote:
As of today when I checked the guidelines, the minimum weight required is 1.5 lbs. ( from 1 lb.) That makes the $.99 16 oz of pasta a no go now. That really puts me off now.
@big_sky_thunder wrote:
As of today when I checked the guidelines, the minimum weight required is 1.5 lbs. ( from 1 lb.) That makes the $.99 16 oz of pasta a no go now. That really puts me off now.
@Cassiespark wrote:
I asked for clarification around this, and was told its a suggestion, not a new rule. SandyF is correct above that they are trying to hedge against someone's home scale showing a pound and the USPS scale showing under a pound. Not sure you need to add a whole 1/2 pound to avoid that (especially since they didn't increase reimbursement) but thats their recommendation.
@Okie wrote:
Stay strong! Realistically, there will be some locations claimed early because a need arises. I can't really fault someone for that. But I have a feeling this quarter is going to be worse.@cherubino3 wrote:
Yes, darn it!! I have a package that needs to go out which someone purchased from me on Amazon at 11pm GRR! So, I'm going to hold my nose and do on for the shipping reimbursement. Everything else that I am sending to family, I will just sit on until the end of the month. I hope others in my area feel the same!!
The MSC will call and beg, and I will just be like, oh no, I'm not going that way, sorry. Then they'll say they can bonus $5 and I will probably laugh. Or maybe it's best to just not answer or say chhhhhh chhhhhh sorry, I think we chhhhhh bad chhhhhhh connection. chhhhhhhh. Sorry. chhhhhhh.
For the additional weight, I do that at times to get the minimum for small items. If selling to a customer, then I will try to throw in some extra goodies/swag. Priority may be overkill at times, but the customer thinks I over-delivered. Win, win!
I will try! Hopefully, the fellow shoppers in my area have the same sentiment.@cherubino3 wrote:
Duuuuuude!!! Wait till December!!! Maybe they will get more desperate.