5Guys: Prices up, quality and quantity down

@weatherman2111 wrote:

@wrosie wrote:

@AZwolfman wrote:

Perhaps the best way to get the quality up would be for all of us to report the issues instead of giving glowing reports to get them done faster.

Why I have a problem with this is, the reports won't let you report problems. The last report there was a lot of food and trash on the kitchen floor. But since they were doing their closing cleaning by the time I was leaving (late dinner shop), the report won't let me report it. "If you see a team member fixing the problem by the time you leave, don't mark it off". I tried to mark them off, but I couldn't continue on my report until I said there were no problems found.

There were no paper towels in the men's room, but when I brought this to their attention they offered to stock the towels.

You can leave a note in the comment box, though it's hard to say if it will be flagged.

That's exactly what I did. Marked nothing wrong and wrote what was wrong in the narrative in two places. I also bumped them down when I was asked how they compare and the explanation ddialog box after that.

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@maverick1 wrote:

Got a call. I was asked if I could complete a shop for $35. I reminded the caller that I usually do that shop for $40. It was declined, but they (and I) knew it would likely increase to $40 if no one else could be found.

When I got home, I logged online and the shop was still MAO. I entered my usual value and received a confirmation within an hour.

Takeaway: don't lower your fee requests people!

That only works if you are the only shopper willing to take the shops in a certain area. In my area, playing hard to get results in losing the shop to someone else.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2024 01:01PM by bradkcrew.
Milestone today: After doing probably hundreds of these shops over the years, I finally had one today in which I wasn't given extra fries in the bag. First time. It felt weird not having to look in the bag and come up with a guesstimate on the number of extra fries.
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