Has anyone done the expired Netspend/Paypal shops? Are they worth it?

There are some shops in my area for expired Netspend and Paypal. Has anyone here done these shops? It sounds like an app is needed to perform the shop.

Are they worth the effort?


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You do need the go spot check app which they will send you an invite to after you sign up for the job. These are super easy jobs. However, I would not do them at base if $9. Wait for them to go up.

And you can just do these last minute because they have to assign them to you and sometimes it takes them longer than 24 hours. So just be sure to plan ahead.
They are pretty straight forward. Once you have done a few and you know what you're looking for, they get faster. The biggest challenge is not knowing how every display opens up to check if there are any items in backstock. Sometimes the displays have a cabinet area, sometimes they don't.
I agree to not take them at $9, that's barely worth gas.
They are a nice add on to a route, but as posted earlier, they are not self-assigned. Go when the store is not busy. Mine took 10-15 minutes. Most of the time will be interacting with store staff, so if it's busy, this can drag out (back stock, location of display(s), giving expired cards to them, etc)

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
FYI. I had mine rejected initially. I've done other Netspend shops for replacing cards and they had 3 cans, one of which was not present in my area. In this shop, there are other cards than the Prepaid Visa and PayPal cards. The are pictures of the cards, but they are not listed. I missed that and they are allowing me to return.

BTW...the reshop is listed for $40.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
@whosear wrote:

FYI. I had mine rejected initially. I've done other Netspend shops for replacing cards and they had 3 cans, one of which was not present in my area. In this shop, there are other cards than the Prepaid Visa and PayPal cards. The are pictures of the cards, but they are not listed. I missed that and they are allowing me to return.

BTW...the reshop is listed for $40.

Yeah, each chain might have slightly different cards present. There are a handful in my state at $40 but all pretty far away.
@Shopper789 wrote:

There are some shops in my area for expired Netspend and Paypal. Has anyone here done these shops? It sounds like an app is needed to perform the shop.

Are they worth the effort?


Thanks to all for the very helpful information. I appreciate it.

I installed the app on my phone and printed out the guidelines for reference. Heading out tomorrow.
Easy work, but, as others have pointed out, timing can be an issue. I can knock them out in about 10 minutes, provided I can locate the appropriate staff member in a reasonable period of time.

I would definitely hold out for a bonus, unless I already had a loop planned and with time in my schedule to add a few additional stops.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
@Shopper789 wrote:

Thanks to all for the very helpful information. I appreciate it.

I installed the app on my phone and printed out the guidelines for reference. Heading out tomorrow.

I have done some stores that haven taken 45 minutes to an hour. In back stock they had a few hundred cards. They had expired cards 5- 6 years old. I don't think anyone ever checked them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2023 02:51AM by sueac101.
Sueac101, I've encountered some stores like that as well. Dusty, grimy, and just carelessly disorganized backstock. This is why doing them at $9 is not always worth it. When you have different people going in every month or two, that is what you find.
I am sure when a merchandiser is a regular servicer at a store, they will try to make it easier for their next visit. I always try to make it easier for whoever comes behind me (it might be me, might be someone else). I always try to arrange the cards by the expiration date, so the farthest out dates are in the back.
@sueac101 wrote:

@Shopper789 wrote:

Thanks to all for the very helpful information. I appreciate it.

I installed the app on my phone and printed out the guidelines for reference. Heading out tomorrow.

I have done some stores that haven taken 45 minutes to an hour. In back stock they had a few hundred cards. They had expired cards 5- 6 years old. I don't think anyone ever checked them.

I had one like this yesterday. Cards from 2021 and a ton in back stock. Took me awhile to organize it all. I took over a shelf in the store to lay out the cards. I made it look nice because that is just what I do and why I won't do them for $9. You never know what you will get.
I don't take them until they are at $30 - $40 a store.
But lately in my area there must be a new person as anything that comes up are gone instantly at $9. The only ones that are ever left are stores that are out in the boonies. They sit on the board and I wait and and after 2 weeks they will be up to $75. so I take them then.
@Shopper789 wrote:

Thanks to all for the very helpful information. I appreciate it.

I installed the app on my phone and printed out the guidelines for reference. Heading out tomorrow.

How'd it go?
@sueac101 wrote:

@Shopper789 wrote:

Thanks to all for the very helpful information. I appreciate it.

I installed the app on my phone and printed out the guidelines for reference. Heading out tomorrow.

I have done some stores that haven taken 45 minutes to an hour. In back stock they had a few hundred cards. They had expired cards 5- 6 years old. I don't think anyone ever checked them.

The first time I did one, I found cards that expired in 2020 (this was 2023 when I did it). Sort of made me mad that the 10-15 guys who had gone there in the interim had never checked the peg hook for expired cards.
This is only the second time I have seen these particular jobs posted. I think before they may have been relying on store personnel.
@joanna81 wrote:

Sueac101, I've encountered some stores like that as well. Dusty, grimy, and just carelessly disorganized backstock. This is why doing them at $9 is not always worth it. When you have different people going in every month or two, that is what you find.
I am sure when a merchandiser is a regular servicer at a store, they will try to make it easier for their next visit. I always try to make it easier for whoever comes behind me (it might be me, might be someone else). I always try to arrange the cards by the expiration date, so the farthest out dates are in the back.

I always wondered why they don't just have one person service a store. They get to know the manager, they know where the back stock is, just makes sense. But I guess this is the cheaper route and also not the most effective.
They're good to add to an existing route if A) they are above 9 and cool smiley you can apply and C) "if" they get approved.

Be better if that MSC just made them Self Assignable for people with minimum 10 shops with an 9 average.
@mystery2me wrote:

This is only the second time I have seen these particular jobs posted. I think before they may have been relying on store personnel.

Where I live Blackhawk is the regular company that does the stores. A few times I have done a job at a store and the manager has told me that Blackhawk had been there just a few days before. I think the person that works for them is lazy and does the littlest possible.
@sueac101 wrote:

@mystery2me wrote:

This is only the second time I have seen these particular jobs posted. I think before they may have been relying on store personnel.

Where I live Blackhawk is the regular company that does the stores. A few times I have done a job at a store and the manager has told me that Blackhawk had been there just a few days before. I think the person that works for them is lazy and does the littlest possible.

I think Blackhawk specifically does the gift card section, not the PayPal and NetSpend cards. Just like green dot also has their own servicer. We don't touch any other cards.
I like these. The work is easy. Waiting for staff and customers may add extra time. Some cautions, which you might not need: For my back, time standing around on a hard floor hurts (but the pain soon dissipates). Wally World usually has a cube with a knob opening. Sometimes, cards block the knob. Add extra time. Grocery stores sometimes have a rolling display. Unlock wheels and please remember to lock them after that display type is finished and back in place. Other such displays are smaller now, with substantially less space for back stock. Convenience stores usually have spinner racks. Accessing a spinner might be easier for short people than stretching for cards at the top of those card mall thingys. If your hands are nimble and the rest of you will permit this work, go for it. Definitely wait for the bonuses.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
what takes longest in the expired jobs is X'ing all the expired cards out with the marker. this is necessary though, because i know from past experience that you can give locations expired cards, thoroughly explain to them about it, showing them expiration date and all that, and when you return there for the next visit, those cards are back up on the peg. doesn't happen often, but it's happened. the jobs themselves are easy. employee interaction is always minimal, not sure what you guys are doing that takes up so much time, but most locations have the backstock inside the display. it would be nice if they added something in the survey where we don't need to X anything out if we are able to throw the cards out ourselves(most locations).
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