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Did you wait the 48 hours for the follow up? Did it give you a message saying you have to wait? You can't submit until that window has passed.
Tmgo doesn’t seem to know how to read their guidelines. I received private messages from them asking for answers to certfication tests. I work for me, I help my son with his shops because his income contributes to my household. I'm not in this to provide my competition for paying jobs with instructions on how to do it.
What do you mean by "Last step". If you mean the final answers on did-the-Dealer-Follow-up - you have to mark that section 48 hours after the on-site shop.
I checked the guidelines since I had to submit a shop from last week and do another visit tomorrow. The required time to wait after the visit is 72 hours, not 48 hours.
@Datagirl wrote:

Did you wait the 48 hours for the follow up? Did it give you a message saying you have to wait? You can't submit until that window has passed.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
Really? What is the purpose of this forum, then? confused smiley

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
"Be Honest. Add a positive contribution to the community. No personal insults". It's in the guidelines.
@stilllearning wrote:

Really? What is the purpose of this forum, then? confused smiley

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

I don't mind helping someone who is willing to put in the work, but I won't help someone who wants to benefit from my work and none of their own.

I believe most of the posters here have had their share of a learning curve by trial and error. That's all part of doing anything new. But when someone doesn't want to do any work on their own..........
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