How much Mystery Shopping do you need to perform to achieve $7,200 additional per year?

Wow, I would love to see the break down from some of you heavy hitters to see what shops you get to make so much!

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To each his own. My profits are lower, or look lower for the following reasons:

1.)11MPG is what I get. (lol, this will change to 20 one of these days - for me that's a raise smiling smiley

2.)I charge 20 cents per mile as an 'expense' against my revenue. I feel that I am indeed paying for mileage - it could be extra miles on a lease. It could be more miles driven is more wear and tear, maybe oil change date comes up quicker, possible more chance of a flat or windshield chip, quicker reduction in car value.

For me, revenue minus those things = profit. At times I"m tempted to count Five Guys reimbursement - after all, I was gonna eat, and I do lunch out 2-3 times a week as it is, and thiat lunch would be one of those but in the end I want to keep it to pure cash for my calculation's sake.

I've only been doing this 7-8 months. Max shops I've done in a day - 4.

Max net profit in a day - $97.00

Longest I've been "out' for a day - 6 hours.

I know there's more to be made. But this is supposed to make me lunch money - and not be too strenuous hence I've not gone the extra mile.

At my status quo pace - -I'd need to be out 180 days out of the year to have a $7200 pure net profit.
I am in awe of those of you who make large amounts. I have been shopping for over 30 years. I have NEVER made as much as some of you do. Perhaps it is due to where I live or where I have lived- I have done shopping in 3 states. It seems if there is a lot of competition for shops finding shops and waiting for fee to rise is harder. Also, I do not travel large distances from home. A radius of 20 miles is about it for me. Taking shops that require overnight stays is out of the question. Since Covid I see that many dining shops have been curtailed or fully eliminated. There is also the issue of rotation. You cannot do the same shop at a nearby location every month which also dampens earnings. I have done gas shops in the past but now as a senior citizen I am not into taking photos of pumps and dealing with pages of report writing for what I consider to be a low fee. I also will not do investment shops where I get constant phone calls after the shop. I like phone shops but they are few and far between. I avoid targeted recorded shops as I do not have the patience to make multiple calls and play phone tag.

I have tried Fetch- it took a year to get to the $25 gift card level, I stopped after that. I tried making multiple orders on personal shopping trips only to have cashiers ask what I was up to with so many orders that earned me a whopping 25 points each! Despite shopping both on shops and personally I cannot seem to get anywhere scanning receipts. I tried a couple of the sites listed here as ways to make money and found them not worth my time. I signed up for one that promised a $5 gift card to sign up. I did one survey that took 30 minutes for some joke amount of points- you need over 3000 points to earn anything. Not worth my time.

So perhaps I am a bit too picky as to what I will do- maybe that is why I do not make huge amounts of money. Shopping has become more of an occasional hobby thing rather than a means to make money. Congrats to those of you who are so diligent in trying to earn points on those shopping sites like Fetch. Too old to be bothered!
As I said earlier, my earnings the past five weeks are not sustainable due to rotation limits and the fact that I work full-time (and a part-time job) during the school year. I used to just do it occasionally for some free food or a mostly free experience (like entertainment-oriented jobs). But I had a large unexpected expense this summer, and I do have almost all of my days free (barring my part-time job), so, I have been doing a much larger amount than usual before the school year restarts. Oddly, I probably could make more money, but, I don't like doing revealed anything, I don't generally take shops that are mostly reimbursement, and even though some of the rotations would allow me to reshop a place, it sometimes wouldn't make sense/would be awkward (how often does a person really research cell phones at the same store?), so I don't do those, and there are a couple of companies that I don't like to work with because their directions/communication have been unclear.All things considered, I'd also rather do two-three longer/more detailed $40-$50 shops than 8-10 shorter/quicker $10-$15 ones (I know other people prefer the opposite). I am lucky that there are a lot of shops around me, so I can "pick and choose" while still having shops.

The most I've done in one day this summer is six, and five of those were shop forms I'd done before so I knew exactly what was expected. That day was over $200 in shop fees. I generally only shop within 20 miles each way of home and almost always have at least two-three shops in an area, but I did do one that was right around 40 miles away because it was a $100 shop that I knew would lead to subsequent opportunities closer to home.
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