To each his own. My profits are lower, or look lower for the following reasons:
1.)11MPG is what I get. (lol, this will change to 20 one of these days - for me that's a raise
2.)I charge 20 cents per mile as an 'expense' against my revenue. I feel that I am indeed paying for mileage - it could be extra miles on a lease. It could be more miles driven is more wear and tear, maybe oil change date comes up quicker, possible more chance of a flat or windshield chip, quicker reduction in car value.
For me, revenue minus those things = profit. At times I"m tempted to count Five Guys reimbursement - after all, I was gonna eat, and I do lunch out 2-3 times a week as it is, and thiat lunch would be one of those but in the end I want to keep it to pure cash for my calculation's sake.
I've only been doing this 7-8 months. Max shops I've done in a day - 4.
Max net profit in a day - $97.00
Longest I've been "out' for a day - 6 hours.
I know there's more to be made. But this is supposed to make me lunch money - and not be too strenuous hence I've not gone the extra mile.
At my status quo pace - -I'd need to be out 180 days out of the year to have a $7200 pure net profit.