Exxon Gas Station Revealed Audits - Evaluation Review

Does anyone know how long it takes for the Exxon audits to be evaluated ? I'm so eager to get some feedback, since I've just started doing them. It's been over a week since my first one. Thanks.

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Ugh ! Just my luck that I've started this month. Maybe they're experiencing labor issues.
Thank you.

@KA047 wrote:

Typically: Within 24-48 hours.
Since the beginning of May: 7-8 days.
The last ones I performed a week ago took 7 days to get evaluated.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
You are correct. It is taking a week. I'm starting to see feedback. Thanks !

@ArkLaMissshopping wrote:

The last ones I performed a week ago took 7 days to get evaluated.
Thanks ! The 7-8 day timeframe is on point.

@KA047 wrote:

Typically: Within 24-48 hours.
Since the beginning of May: 7-8 days.
Yeah I just reached out to them and they said they are behind on edits. Used to get done that same night now about 7-8 days.
I'll hazard a guess that they've cut editor pay as well and no one wants to work for less. Just makes sense that shoppers aren't the only ones getting squeezed.
Lots of extra pictures and time compared to most other gas station shops. But they aren't awful.
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