@French Farmer I was thinking about this very topic today which has been a long term issue with me for Exxon and Chevron shops.
I hate having to go into pocket to satisfy the shop requirements. I remember sending the scheduler an email asking them what am I supposed to get for a buck? The shop that I had done had a $1.79 or something like that price point as the cheapest item in the store. So I am only going to get $1 reimbursed and I have to deduct 97¢ from the base fee to cover the purchase plus tax.
For Chevron you are supposed to record how long it takes to pump a gallon of gas, but you are only reimbursed for the gallon and you are going to go a little over a gallon at least 95% of the time. So you are going into your pocket to satisfy that component too.
It is a challenge to find something that is under a $1 with tax. My go to has been Wrigley's gum, but many stores have faded out the 5 packs that are clearly marked 35¢ on the wrapper and the station charges 50¢ or more for and replaced them with a larger package that goes for over $2. I am not a fan of the lollipops, but I purchase them to stay under a $1. One of the Chevrons had 2 for $1 Fritos and a few other brands that were the same price point. Another Chevron down the street had the same size Fritos 2 for $1.50. I will get one in that case. I think these stations don't want the hassle of dealing with cheap marked goods, that might have a nice profit margin of 500% like a piece of bubble gum, when you have to sell a lot to make money.
Some of this candy has been sitting on the shelf for a long time and the safest move is to toss it after you buy it. There have been numerous times where I reach for the candy, like Lemonheads, and it is stuck to the box. You shake the box and it doesn't make a sound because it is stuck to the inside of the box.
Lately I have been getting the regular can of Coke and most places sell them for $1-$1.39. I will either consume it on the road or at home instead of the unneeded candy, but I still hate going into pocket. I looked for water the last few days and it has been going for $1.99-$3+ and we ain't talking about Fiji water.
Another gas station shop does a $3 reimbursement for a promo item, but that amount covers many, but not all items. You can find something to buy for under $3.