I usually only post in subjects that deal with profitability, BUT, in that Daddy has mentioned my age status, it is 80. It is my opinion, the pendulum has swung far to greatly to the left. Two examples are:
1-I live and have for 49 yrs., on a hill so steep, I have never seen a biker attempt to scale. Some yrs. back, the city, answering a complaint, dispatched a crew to break up the concrete and pour wheelchair ramps at an intersection in the middle; none of which I have ever seen used. Not content, another crew appeared a few yrs. later and installed metal traction nubs for the nonexistent chairs.
2-A friend of mine, who is known for both his compassion and honesty, owned a skating rink. He decided to increase the capacity of the men's room, but although he had never experienced anyone entering in a wheelchair, was required to include accessible areas; he scrubbed the project.
At some point, it is impractical and sometimes impossible to please everyone. Folks, if a client has criteria, that IS business. They, understandably, would nor desire teenagers to query a cashier on the merits of Geritol.