Infrared thermometer

For the gas station evaluation, what's the price of one. Where do you buy it and what's it used for? Why doesn't the MSC reimburse for a necessary item?

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What shop is this? I've never heard of needing a thermometer for a gas station shop?

Are you talking about the food service shops in the Circle K and Murphy stations? I used to do the Circle K audits years ago, they are supposed to have a meat thermometer in the hot dog roller to check the hot dogs. You do not need to buy an infrared thermometer for checking meat, it's not a reliable way to check the temperature of meat. It only tells the surface temp, not the temperature of the meat inside.

If you think you need to own a thermometer to test food so that you dont have to rely on the stores, then look on Amazon, they have some very nice instant read digital food thermometers for not a lot of money.

The stores are supposed to test the hot dogs on the roller grill periodically through the day, so they are in violation if they do not have a thermometer with a probe to insert in the meat on the roller grill.
Aaaaah. Now I get it. Some time ago, on my own dime, I was in a convenience store and a person wielding a tablet and looking quite official was reporting back to someone regarding the temperatures of foods. I did not know if they were an employee, a corporate bigwig, the health department, the equipment rep, or one of us.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2022 07:27PM by Shop-et-al.
The Chevron Stars use to require the temperature of coffee. It still states in guidelines that thermometer is needed. I bring mine just in case. It was with the prior MSC and I think they did send me the thermometer.
I had one where I had to take temps of tuna sandwiches etc. oddly the wieners had their own thermometer and I was told not to take their temp.
The guidelines state must have safety vest and infrared thermometer to do the gas station- convenience store shops.
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