But it's not like they pay quickly so people won't be paid in time for the holidays, if that would be their reason.@gukka wrote:
End-of-year / holiday shoppers may be taking the shops at lower fees?
That's madness. A meal for a fam of four at many men could bust through $100.@Susan L. wrote:
LOL, I forgot to mention: The $21 was what the restaurant charged for the food, not the MS company fee.
Got a call from the scheduler this morning for my local FG and was able to get approved for my usual $25 (she offered $20).@MisterBill wrote:
My two closest locations still have both lunch and dinner shops available for the weekend, but I'm hesitant to put in for my usual $25 because if it gets rejected I won't be able to resubmit for that price.
Respectfully disagree that McDonald's burgers are better than Five Guys.@non sequitur wrote:
I truly don't understand how 5G stays in business. The MSC now allows a $17.25 food reimbursement, but that still barely covers a small, non-cheese, burger. Anyone with the McD's app can BOGO a big mac, QPC, or double cheesburger, and pay under $6 for TWO burgers that are better than 5G's single (that costs $7.79). Oh, and of course now they ask you if you want to add a tip on top of that also. Drrrr!
5G must be a money-laundering operation, because they all seem to be mostly empty too. Maybe they need to stop paying the MSC and just lower their freaking prices.
@MisterBill wrote:
I've often wondered why it takes so long for shops to get out of QC status. I did a delivery shop the other night and they forgot my drink, so I gave them low ratings. The shop is still in QC two days later. I just submitted an in-person shop and didn't give any negative answers, and it immediately went to approved. I guess they only review them if you give negative responses.
They don't need AI for that. All they need to do is fast-path shops with a 100% score to approved.@wrosie wrote:
I think they are using AI to evaluate the shops. Just a guess on my part.
If it's smooth sailing, as several people have noticed the shop is approved immediately.
If there's any negatives, it requires human intervention.
Again my opinion to no proof.
They already discourage negative marks If there is a problem with something and they fixed it during your visit, you can't mark it as negative. There have been situations where it made me go back and mark something as positive if a subsequent answer gave a reason why it shouldn't be a negative.@wrosie wrote:
I hate to say this but wouldn't this practice encourage unscrupitable shoppers to not report any negatives so their reports get approved instantly?
Hello AI and how it's going to make all our lives better!
I've never seen them, nor have I had a scheduler call me to take one.@jewel1233 wrote:
Does anyone know if the Five Guys delivery shops ever have a "make an offer" option if the shop stay on the board for some time?
@jewel1233 wrote:
Does anyone know if the Five Guys delivery shops ever have a "make an offer" option if the shop stay on the board for some time?
I've seen them go as high as $15, but that's typically at the very end of the month or maybe if they go into the following month. The ones in my area used to go for $5, but recently I've been able to get them for $10.@myst4au wrote:
I have seen them double in price from $5 to $10. I once saw an MAO. I made an offer, but it was not accepted. The delivery shops in my area are very popular and usually disappear at $5.
See my previous reply. If you have an Uber Eats account you should regularly get coupons for 40-50% off. It more than makes up for the higher prices they charge relative to ordering direct from FG.@SueW70 wrote:
I took one for $15- it is really close to my house and I figured if I did not take it for $15 I would get nothing. of course, the reimbursement is not enough to cover anything decent.
While it's really a double...how much is just the sandwich there before making it the combo?@hbbigdaddy wrote:
Prices must have gone up again. The CHEESEBURGER, small fry,small drink is almost $24
@hbbigdaddy wrote:
@JohnInNC...it was almost $13 for the CHEESEBURGER (not the little)