To each their own. I won't take a shop for less than my usual price because if you do, they hold it against you the next time and won't pay your usual price. Not sure why you wouldn't at least put in for MAO, If you get it, you get it. As for your chicken, it tastes even better on a Five Guys Veggie Sandwich which you brought home from a shop.@BabyBooey19 wrote:
MSC (fully within their rights to budget how they please) is banking on - -- eventually the shoppers will just accept the lower fees. They'll get used to it and just accept it. They might be right. Speaking solely for myself -it's not my thing. Not looking for more. But significantly less than so many previous shops - and many times no reasonable counter-offers is why I haven't done the MAO shops. Focusing on 2 other companies and while storage stuff is a bit boring, so be it. Could have easily completed 3 MAO shops this week but I didn't bother. In the end -if our pay gets cut oh well- - I just don't want to be one of those who helped cut our pay. Had chicken breast at home yesterday - not as yummy but certainly healthier than the Five Guys yummy burger. Silver Linings lol.
If they're only offering $13 it must be very close to you. How do you manage to get $60?@Lady Marius wrote:
Wow Samantha just sent me an offer. $13 ($1 over the online amount) to shop a location for which I usually get $60. Yeah let me get right on that. Not.
@Lady Marius wrote:
Wow Samantha just sent me an offer. $13 ($1 over the online amount) to shop a location for which I usually get $60. Yeah let me get right on that. Not.
@wrosie wrote:
To get Samantha offers (which lately for me have been at or only $2-3 more than what's on the board and completely useless) and calls, I can only offer a guess that you'll get these 1. after you've done a certain unknown number of shops or 2. when they are desperate to get a shop completed.
I have stopped getting calls from overseas schedulers. All the two or three calls I've gotten from schedulers in the last three months have come from Georgia area codes. But I don't think they are really in GA.
In the past the calls I've gotten from GA schedulers are not EASL schedulers. The ones I've gotten lately have been close, but I still have doubts they're really US based. They don't have the ability that the US based schedulers I've talked to in the past have. They are kind of like between the US scheduler and overseas scheduler calls I've gotten in the past.
As to when is a good time to look for bonused or MAO shops? I find the end of the month or after a weekend when someone has flaked. They send out their automated e-mails around 4-5 AM EST. So looking as soon as you wake up would be wise.
Yeah, they have that rating that I've forgotten about since I'm a 5 (as all of us regulars are, I assume). One time recently when my session had timed out it showed something like "Level Up" and I was wondering what it meant until I saw that it only had me as a 1. Did not realize it had anything to do with being sent Samantha offers. Of course those are so useless these days, it's not a big deal, although I did just notice that I'm back in rotation for my closest location thanks to the email (the shops had not shown up as recently as last night).@weatherman2111 wrote:
As for Samantha stuff...I think you have to be a trusted shopper who has done a certain number of shops and have been to the shop you were offered within the last 3 months.
@gukka wrote:
North American area codes are not as useful at identifying from where a call originates (and they can easily be spoofed) as they once were, but the current MSC bought or merged with one that was headquartered near Atlanta, Georgia. So, some of these calls could be affiliated with people from that MSC. I think the Atlanta MSC have have had the many men account at one time, but I know it did have the hamburger chain that no longer has its locations mystery shopped.
The only leftover shops I see for $15 are the delivery shops.@HonnyBrown wrote:
I haven't received a call from the GA scheduler in quite a while. Regular schedulers kept me busy this weekend. I am going to check for flakes for shops on Monday. The leftover shops I see on the board have fees of $15.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.
I see some for $25 but others for $15. Odd.@HonnyBrown wrote:
The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.
I'm not sure how much you've been getting, but I ask for $25 for most locations, which is the typical price they go to online, and you'd think that they'd know by now that they are going to have to pay it and should just get it scheduled early and not have to keep making calls to people who won't take it.@maverick1 wrote:
My last MAO was declined 4 days ago. I just looked online and see that shop is still posted.
I'm not moving my fee request lower. Nope. Nada. Same level of effort at reduced pay? No bueno.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.