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@BabyBooey19 wrote:

MSC (fully within their rights to budget how they please) is banking on - -- eventually the shoppers will just accept the lower fees. They'll get used to it and just accept it. They might be right. Speaking solely for myself -it's not my thing. Not looking for more. But significantly less than so many previous shops - and many times no reasonable counter-offers is why I haven't done the MAO shops. Focusing on 2 other companies and while storage stuff is a bit boring, so be it. Could have easily completed 3 MAO shops this week but I didn't bother. In the end -if our pay gets cut oh well- - I just don't want to be one of those who helped cut our pay. Had chicken breast at home yesterday - not as yummy but certainly healthier than the Five Guys yummy burger. Silver Linings lol.
To each their own. I won't take a shop for less than my usual price because if you do, they hold it against you the next time and won't pay your usual price. Not sure why you wouldn't at least put in for MAO, If you get it, you get it. As for your chicken, it tastes even better on a Five Guys Veggie Sandwich which you brought home from a shop.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2023 04:48PM by MisterBill.
"Not sure why you wouldn't at least put in for MAO, If you get it, you get it"

The reason I said is that there were no counter-offers to me - was because I did try MAO a few times.

And I just can't bring stuff home. If I'm at a burger place -lol - it's all getting eaten smiling smiley
I had a shop returned to me for corrections this week for the first time in forever. The cashier had not given me the cup, which I immediately pointed out and mentioned in the comments, but then I marked that I got the correct order. They sent it back to fill out the questions of what happened when I pointed out the error. Oops.
There was a shop with MAO last week, one I do frequently (when I'm in "shopping mode," which I haven't been lately) but which often sits untaken. I guess it had been on the board for awhile because it was at $30 plus MAO. So I MAO for $33 and didn't get it. For some time, it seems that around here, the only time an offer was accepted was if it was $1 over the fee. Lately I've done a little better, so I didn't think $3 over was asking too much. But apparently it was . . . .

I learn something new every day, but not everyday!
I've learned to never trust spell-check or my phone's auto-fill feature.
Wow Samantha just sent me an offer. $13 ($1 over the online amount) to shop a location for which I usually get $60. Yeah let me get right on that. Not.

Lady Marius
Canadian Mystery Shopper

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2023 09:30PM by Lady Marius.
@Lady Marius wrote:

Wow Samantha just sent me an offer. $13 ($1 over the online amount) to shop a location for which I usually get $60. Yeah let me get right on that. Not.
If they're only offering $13 it must be very close to you. How do you manage to get $60?

I also have a $13 offer for my location that relatively close to me. And annoyingly, I get multiple emails with the same shops Seems like the same number as there are shops included in the mail. Stupid.
They are banking on shoppers just getting used to it, shrugging shoulders and saying "oh well it's better than nothing". Will be interesting to see if they turn out wrong or right.
Nope not close to me at all. (Takes me 2 hours there and then 2 hours back on Public Transit , I don't drive) Not even in the same city as me, this location is in the city North of me. Not sure how I got the first offer of $60, but I just will not take a lesser amount now. Used to do it monthly at that fee. Then they cut me off from the client, now that I can shop the client again I am lucky if they call me every 2 or 3 months. Just did that location last month so would surprise me if they call me again this month.

Lady Marius
Canadian Mystery Shopper
Scheduler called me to pick up shops from the weekend. I love flakes!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/2023 05:47AM by HonnyBrown.
Made a $30 offer on a local FG that was at $20 which I usually do for $25, and it was rejected with no counter. It went up to $22 on the site, so I put in for $27. I checked again, and my offer had not been processed, but it was up to $25, so I decided to take it for that rather than taking the chance of someone else getting it. The scheduler had called me on a different location on Friday, but not for this one, and I'm sure they wouldn't have given me $25 then, anyway.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2023 03:24AM by MisterBill.
I have two shops scheduled for Monday. One is lunch at a mall and the other is dinner on the way home. I will probably do BLTs for both shops.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@Lady Marius wrote:

Wow Samantha just sent me an offer. $13 ($1 over the online amount) to shop a location for which I usually get $60. Yeah let me get right on that. Not.

I concur. I have a similar shop price discrepancy. I'm not deviating from the usual price. It's a long distance away and I'm not taking a commuting expense loss as well as an algorithm loss.
Several flakers from this past week in greater Los Angeles area. Pay was set to $25 and it was a "hot shop." Problem was, it was LATE NIGHT scenario and they were not that close to me to make the effort worth it. If it was one of the closer locations to me, I probably would have done one of them.
What are you folks doing to get direct contact from a scheduler? I've never been called or had separate emails. Why are some people getting these? I normally wait for shops to get bonused but I never have gotten a reach out.

Also, is there a pattern or schedule to this? I have to look for bonuses manually. When is a good time to look?

To get Samantha offers (which lately for me have been at or only $2-3 more than what's on the board and completely useless) and calls, I can only offer a guess that you'll get these 1. after you've done a certain unknown number of shops or 2. when they are desperate to get a shop completed.

I have stopped getting calls from overseas schedulers. All the two or three calls I've gotten from schedulers in the last three months have come from Georgia area codes. But I don't think they are really in GA.

In the past the calls I've gotten from GA schedulers are not EASL schedulers. The ones I've gotten lately have been close, but I still have doubts they're really US based. They don't have the ability that the US based schedulers I've talked to in the past have. They are kind of like between the US scheduler and overseas scheduler calls I've gotten in the past.

As to when is a good time to look for bonused or MAO shops? I find the end of the month or after a weekend when someone has flaked. They send out their automated e-mails around 4-5 AM EST. So looking as soon as you wake up would be wise.
@wrosie wrote:


To get Samantha offers (which lately for me have been at or only $2-3 more than what's on the board and completely useless) and calls, I can only offer a guess that you'll get these 1. after you've done a certain unknown number of shops or 2. when they are desperate to get a shop completed.

I have stopped getting calls from overseas schedulers. All the two or three calls I've gotten from schedulers in the last three months have come from Georgia area codes. But I don't think they are really in GA.

In the past the calls I've gotten from GA schedulers are not EASL schedulers. The ones I've gotten lately have been close, but I still have doubts they're really US based. They don't have the ability that the US based schedulers I've talked to in the past have. They are kind of like between the US scheduler and overseas scheduler calls I've gotten in the past.

As to when is a good time to look for bonused or MAO shops? I find the end of the month or after a weekend when someone has flaked. They send out their automated e-mails around 4-5 AM EST. So looking as soon as you wake up would be wise.

I usually get a Michigan number and an overseas scheduler. I think the Georgia numbers are people who work on the Certified Field Associate side who get roped into phone calls occasionally. Weird thing, they're in New York. Go figure.

As for Samantha stuff...I think you have to be a trusted shopper who has done a certain number of shops and have been to the shop you were offered within the last 3 months.
North American area codes are not as useful at identifying from where a call originates (and they can easily be spoofed) as they once were, but the current MSC bought or merged with one that was headquartered near Atlanta, Georgia. So, some of these calls could be affiliated with people from that MSC. I think the Atlanta MSC have have had the many men account at one time, but I know it did have the hamburger chain that no longer has its locations mystery shopped.
@weatherman2111 wrote:

As for Samantha stuff...I think you have to be a trusted shopper who has done a certain number of shops and have been to the shop you were offered within the last 3 months.
Yeah, they have that rating that I've forgotten about since I'm a 5 (as all of us regulars are, I assume). One time recently when my session had timed out it showed something like "Level Up" and I was wondering what it meant until I saw that it only had me as a 1. Did not realize it had anything to do with being sent Samantha offers. Of course those are so useless these days, it's not a big deal, although I did just notice that I'm back in rotation for my closest location thanks to the email (the shops had not shown up as recently as last night).
@gukka wrote:

North American area codes are not as useful at identifying from where a call originates (and they can easily be spoofed) as they once were, but the current MSC bought or merged with one that was headquartered near Atlanta, Georgia. So, some of these calls could be affiliated with people from that MSC. I think the Atlanta MSC have have had the many men account at one time, but I know it did have the hamburger chain that no longer has its locations mystery shopped.

No, Five Guys has always been with this MSC, and yeah they used to have the Aches chain to. They had some other clients that went bankrupt as well. Apparently at some point between 2021, when I got back into working for them, and 2015 when I was bounced the 1st time they went through a reorganization and now have different "owners" in a different place in Atlanta, but the same major client. Weirdly the theatrical side hasn't changed anything including their archaic website.
I got a call from a GA number at 8:17 AM offering a lunch shop for yesterday or today at $30. That's what I normally get. Someone must have flaked because they also had the location on the board for dinner at $30/MAO.

The last time I shopped this location was July. It's been going off the board when it reaches $15-18.

Perhaps whoever was taking them wised up or decided it was too much work for the pay. I do find it odd that both meal period shops were available because that means two other shoppers flaked.
Got a call on Friday from a US scheduler for my local FG that I was back in rotation for. I asked for my usual $25, and she said that she was only authorized to do $22 (it was listed at $18), but would put in a request. Obviously it was not approved because I never got it assigned. It was $20 this morning, so I did a $25 MAO, and it was approved within minutes. Was happy that the online lunch shop was still available, but it would have been easier for both of us if they'd just approved the $25 on Friday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2023 12:26AM by MisterBill.
I haven't received a call from the GA scheduler in quite a while. Regular schedulers kept me busy this weekend. I am going to check for flakes for shops on Monday. The leftover shops I see on the board have fees of $15.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@HonnyBrown wrote:

I haven't received a call from the GA scheduler in quite a while. Regular schedulers kept me busy this weekend. I am going to check for flakes for shops on Monday. The leftover shops I see on the board have fees of $15.
The only leftover shops I see for $15 are the delivery shops.

I don't get a call from the GA scheduler very often. I thought they would have had more pull on getting offers approved, but apparently not, unless she did not submit it properly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2023 03:46AM by MisterBill.
I used to receive GA calls every month asking me to do several shops that they seemed unable to fill. I got a nice premium fee for them. It's been months now without those calls. As I noted in other posts, my MAOs for those previous fees have now been declined for months.

My last MAO was declined 4 days ago. I just looked online and see that shop is still posted.

I'm not moving my fee request lower. Nope. Nada. Same level of effort at reduced pay? No bueno.
The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
From or For? I see shops FOR 10/5\still listed as $12. There must be a ton of new clowns taking these at the $9 starting point. I don't see anything FROM this past weekend.

I have 6 five guy locations in my search criteria (urban Los Angeles)....and I used to see bonuses several times per month. The last few months, I will be lucky to see something get to $18.

@HonnyBrown wrote:

The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.
@HonnyBrown wrote:

The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.
I see some for $25 but others for $15. Odd.
@maverick1 wrote:

My last MAO was declined 4 days ago. I just looked online and see that shop is still posted.

I'm not moving my fee request lower. Nope. Nada. Same level of effort at reduced pay? No bueno.
I'm not sure how much you've been getting, but I ask for $25 for most locations, which is the typical price they go to online, and you'd think that they'd know by now that they are going to have to pay it and should just get it scheduled early and not have to keep making calls to people who won't take it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2023 03:59PM by MisterBill.
@HonnyBrown wrote:

The shops from this weekend are on the board for $12. I don't understand this.

Oh, I believe I understand it very clearly. Things are tough for businesses, suppliers, AND consumers. After locking down the country and causing undue harm to all, then injecting "free" money, it's raised (and shattered) not only expectations for pay (for work from home no less), it's raised inflation and damaged supply chains.

I clearly remember when schools and businesses were first closed I remarked to those around me that this isn't going to end well.

Now things have been opened back up and there has been a wave of "revenge" buying, travel, and eating out of the home.

Well, now comes the time for every business and individual to "tighten the purse strings." Those with small businesses and lower income individuals will feel it first. Large corporations and wealthy individuals will feel it last.

I predict it will take several more years until we see mystery shopping companies and their related businesses return to "pre-pandemic" operations. In the meantime, expect small businesses and individuals to increase their bankruptcy filings.
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