Had my first FG screwup in a while this week, but it could have been much worse, as you'll see. I tried to get an online order lunch shop at a location 30+ minutes away because I had to be in the area for something else. I responded to the Samantha email offering $25, even though I usually get $30, because I needed to be there and had missed out on the previous week's shops. Someone else ended up getting the lunch shop, so I took the dinner once it went up to $25 on the website. It was a dine-in and came with a shake, which seemed like a decent deal until I realized that they charged $6.49 plus tax for the shake, so I was going to be out of pocket for that, in addition to not getting my usual $30 fee. Anyway, I forgot that it was a dinner shop and left my house too early to do my other stuff, and pulled into the parking lot at 2pm. I checked the app to make sure of the shop guidelines (which I didn't really need to do since I'd checked before leaving home), and fortunately I noticed the 4:15pm time before going in to place an order! Since I didn't have anything to do to kill two hours, and I couldn't go back today or tomorrow, I ended up cancelling the shop. At least I didn't discover my error after I'd ordered my meal.
Amusingly, they called me today to ask me to do the shop, still at $25, so obviously no hard feelings over my canceling it. Hopefully, my having taken this for $25 won't cause problems when I try to get the previously usual $30 in the future. I expect to get a Samantha email for that price.
They really need to fix Samantha to allow you to get the shop assigned immediately at the offered price. I really wanted the lunch shop I was offered since I was going to do that one and then head to another location closer to my house for an online order dinner shop that I already had. Because I didn't get the lunch shop, I had to do them on separate days, which complicates things for the other shop as well.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2022 04:51AM by MisterBill.