I have a selection of devices including ipad and android tablets and different models of android phones. Despite the variety of choices I typically do everything I can on my phone as I just find that simpler.
I usually have at least two phones along, each on a different carrier, and a tablet or laptop in the car. I don't skimp on my primary phone. That's usually the flagship model from a major brand and the largest memory card I can stuff in there. But the secondary phone / carrier could be either a cheap phone or my old primary phone, if it has survived in a serviceable state.
When things are narrative heavy and I want a real keyboard I use a small laptop. Current favorite is the Microsoft Surface Pro. If I've been too lazy to take it along then I fall back to the ipad. So I'm probably using my phone about 70% of the time, laptop 25% of the time, and ipad the remaining 5%. I could use the ipad much more but I am just in the habit of using the laptop.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2019 05:58AM by JustForFun.