Secret Shopper Veterinary Shops

Does anyone have experience with these shops? They pay $25 plus reimburse up to $100 in vet expenses. I'm thinking of signing me and my dog up! :-)

Thanks for any info.

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I know the one. I did this shop with a new puppy and I was well pleased. Of course, I spent much more than the reimbursed amount but that was my choice. I could have completed the visit and services for the reimbursed amount, but I chose also to get meds and a couple of other services and I was more than willing to pay the additional price. (It is allowed under the shop guidelines to exceed the reimbursement by adding more services, but the reimbursement is limited to $100.) I got great care for my pup, and, in fact, this has become my vet. The report form was easy and quick, the requirements of the shop were reasonable, and I got paid within the promised time frame.
I seen the vet shops but it was to far for me to go. I was wondering just how to navigate their site. I took a hair shop but now not sure how to access the frms and all. Any help on this I would be glad for.
I like their jobs and find the reports easy but the website a little odd and hard to navigate after accepting a shop. Go to your main menu. Under "shops to do" your shop should be shown. You have to view the guidelines before you are able to access the report form. Sometimes I've found I need to open the guidelines again immediately before opening the report form. I haven't figured out why. I don't do too many shops for them and I kind of forget from one time to the next and I usually get stressed momentarily thinking I'm not going to be able to get in.
I don't undertsand why Spellcheck has to be loaded...every other msc already has it ready to go already in their systems. No big deal though, just makes no sense.
I chose not to load it. I type my comments in Word and paste them in. I don't use the spell checker from the MSPs.
I already have Tiny Spell on mine and I love that one. So that is what I use.
I finally had to email the scheduler to get to my shops. They said an employee had it locked.
I have a dog and was wondering about these myself. some are not that far from me. Perhaps next time she needs a well visit i'll try a new vet!
I have done them 2 1/2 years now for 2 dogs. I always go over the reimbursement amount but figure 125.00 off is great. I arrange it so that I go about every 9 months to two different offices. You have to put out lotsa bucks to have animals these days. And don't get me started about the teeth cleaning cost.

Generally speaking these are fantastic shops!
I am in dog rescue and was doing them every month until the company changed their policy that you could only do one every 9 months. Bummer for me:-)
Danabnnc: check on their policy again...mine says if different dogs/cats etc you could do them 90 days. They have several exceptions to their policy.
I found the vet shops to be awesome. Great providers with lots of locations. I even took in my mother-in-laws kitten (brownie points!).

Dana- I agree. Check around and maybe you can find a different location.
Anyone know if these vet shops have migrated elsewhere? Secret Shopper isn't scheduling them now, but I don't know if they are just on hiatus.
In my opinion, these shops are awesome! They do have components that require a fair bit of writing (nothing too stressful, just be sure to read your requirements carefully). For the money, though, they're well-well worth it!

Sending the best,


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2012 02:10PM by jentodd.
It can be difficult if you don't have a pet. Those ferel cats absolutely hate being put into a carrier. Easier to "borrow" a dog from a backyard with a low fence for an hour or so.

I'd be interested in knowing who's scheduling these shops as well. I have two dogs who could benefit greatly!
I got 4 dogs and 3 I wouldn't mind finding a MSC with vet jobs LOL

Shopper and auditor since March 2012.
Cover all center/north Oklahoma and south Kansas.
I haven't seen the vet shops posted for a while. I emailed the company but didn't get a response. I really count on this shop at least once a year. If anyone knows who else is shopping vets, please share.
Hey marg,

As far as I know, the same company is shopping these. I saw one come through about three months ago. I was under the impression (by how many times I saw the email blast) that they aren't shopping frequently. Perhaps I'm wrong.


The name of the company that shops these shops is actually in the heading for this post. -grin- Secret Shopper. [And just for my two cents, these are awesome shops!]

Sending the best,

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