@Bibbitmom wrote:
My son had a $20 bill hit him in the face when we were swimming in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida. He also looked down at a Mardi Gras parade and found $5.
He was always finding money when he was little.
@CoffeeQueen wrote:
I don't find money but I always find lottery tickets. I pick them up and check them. I want to win without buying a ticket. That would be so fun.
@French Farmer wrote:
Well, the first reason is a no-brainer. It is something we should do as a matter of performing the shop. Check the curbing, the air pumps, the MID, etc.- whatever the client wants us to check.
The second reason is just crazy!
You've heard this before, but I'll say it again, for some reason, I can spot cash of various denominations just lying in the grass. It is though, becoming more prevalent as I walk the perimeter of any gas station shop.
Are some folks that oblivious or careless with their cash that they lose it with the wind? I don't know. Just last week, as I was walking the perimeter of a "Yellow" gas station, I looked down and at my feet was a damp, folded twenty dollar bill.
In the past few weeks, I have come across, tens, twenties, fives, and one dollar bills, not to mention the coins lying about the edge of the pavement or in the grassy areas.
Since I am a believer in giving without recognition of doing so, I can say without anyone here knowing who I am, much of the found money is given to a charity.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
When I lived in Los Angeles, I used to go running at Venice Beach. I would wear my flip-flops, put them near the bike stands, and do a few miles. One day I didn't see my shoes where I left them.
A beach bum told me that he set them aside due to the bike crowds. We got into a conversation. He spent his days combing the beach for lost items. He mostly found cash, jewelry and keys. Whatever items were not collected after a certain amount of time were cashed in and donated to third world charities.
We had a nice conversation. He was very articulate. Then he told me he realized he was an annointed chief when an eagle feather fell out of the sky and hit him in the head.
@sestrahelena wrote:
This is so inspiring! I really need to look harder!
@Huggabear wrote:
HAHA. That is hilarious, you chose the ore politically correct way of telling the OP, yeah right. Me, I was more blunt.
@Huggabear wrote:
No offense but I just don't believe you. We've all found money laying around periodically in our lives, but the odds of one person finding that many bills in a few weeks are mind staggering. As an ex cop, I know their are people out there who get off by bragging about things that are completely false. I can't blame you, it's a mental condition, but those that believe it shame on you. Especially that one poor fool who stated,"...my sister has found several $100 bills. In one week she found $400..." Uh yeah ok. Your sister suffers from the same ailment this OP does. People use a little common sense when deciding to believe someone...
Oh btw, in the last 3 months, I won $200 or more on lotto scratchers 15 times. Wow, isn't that lucky. LMAO, SMH
@Huggabear wrote:
As an ex cop, I know their are people out there who get off by bragging about things that are completely false.
Ex cop? Yeah, right. More like ex-troll reincarnated into a new one.
@Huggabear wrote:
As an ex cop, I know their are people out there who get off by bragging about things that are completely false.