Has anyone been blacklisted from a business because of doing a mystery shop?

I was wondering if any of you have ever been blacklisted because you did a mystery shop?
The reasons I ask is because I completed a shop at a local dealership some months back. Of course, I did not buy the car from this dealership, but they took my information and placed it on their system. Now I have become serious about buying a car from them, but I got the cold shoulder from the salespeople. They did not even want to take me in to see the numbers of the vehicle I was interested in. I have called the dealership several times, but everyone refuses to talk to me. I sent texts and emails and I just keep on getting ignored. You get the point.
Has this ever happened to you or am I the only one that has happened to?

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Wow.... You could try this, "I get you think I am a shopper. So, either you are right and your refusal to talk to me will be written in my report, or you are wrong and you are going to lose out on a commission."

Okay, that might be a bit much, but... I'm in a bad mood today. sad smiley

Are other dealerships available?

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
There are thousands of cats available from thousands of dealerships. I personally would move on.

On a side note the car I bought previous to the one I just bought was from a salesperson I had shopped before.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
I would not conclude they thought you were a shopper. If you were a mystery shopper it would be in their best interest to treat you well and get a good report. Perhaps they think you are just one of those lookie loo's who lurk in open houses and car dealerships and waste their time and never buy anything.
I also would like to add that both times I was looking for a big ticket item which was my house many years ago during a very flat market when interest rates were sky high and my newest car just two years ago, I found lots of agents/salespersons who did absolutely nothing to get a sale. At one place I had to insist the salesperson open a new car door he was showing me so i could see and test the inside. He was not able to find the key. I had to ask for a test drive and was told it was too much trouble to move a car out. I ultimately bought the same brand of car from a different dealer.
Cat dealerships in your neck of the woods? Must have a BIG rodent problem.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Do they have a dog dealership too?

@bgriffin wrote:

There are thousands of cats available from thousands of dealerships. I personally would move on.

On a side note the car I bought previous to the one I just bought was from a salesperson I had shopped before.
I was typing on my phone!!!!!!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
When I went to BJs (the warehouse) one time for a shop to get one of those free passes, I was told there was a note in the computer from another location that I should be banned. I had to think back about what happened at that place and remembered doing an integrity shop that went badly. Management was in on the whole thing, but they apparently did not clear their system. It's ok with me because I have no reason or desire to become a member there anyway. But now I'm afraid to ever do another one of those free pass shops. That day, the person gave it to me anyway, but it was uncomfortable.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I have never been blaclisted, but there are MANY places where I now get the royal treatment! I went into Jiffy Lube with my roommate last week. This wasn't a shop, just a normal visit. The owner remembered me from one of the other stores he owns (which I do shop). He greeted me by name and bent over backwards to make sure we were taken care of promptly.
I walked into a gas station to do a reveal audit. I had to make my in-store purchase first. When I approached the counter with my item to purchase the owner took a good look at me. He refused to sell me anything in the store. He said I cost him $35.00 every time I showed up and unless I was purchasing over $35.00 worth of merchandise he would not sell anything to me. I asked if he would sign my Validation Slip which he did. I also had to ask for my gas receipt because the pump would not print out a receipt. He did printout the receipt. Needless to say I hurried up and got out of there.

He agreed to sign your validation form after essentially kicking you out?

Seriously, nobody cares that you're offended.
@bgriffin wrote:

I was typing on my phone!!!!!!
Be careful. That could be "cat"astrophic! tongue sticking out smiley
That's a new one. I've had one complain about the $35 but let me do the shop. Another said he hated the program, put his name on the slip and told me to get out but not one like that. Fun part about this forum, hearing the "Really? Here's what happened to me," stories.
I had one gas station manager tell me about the $35 when I was doing a debranding audit. I had previous issues with that person, and was not surprised.
I had one gas station manager tell me about the $35 when I was doing a debranding audit. I had previous issues with that person, and was not surprised.
I had one gas station manager tell me about the $35 when I was doing a debranding audit. I had previous issues with that person, and was not surprised. (you aren't in NE Alabama are you?!!) Sounds too familiar!
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Clearly, they don't want your business. Give your commission to someone that actually wants it!
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