@postmuffin wrote:
I feel certain that the scavenger hunt shops are looking for items that are NOT suppsed to be on the shelf any longer. I tried finding a few and never succeeded.
@CashieNess wrote:
I also won’t do five guys...Tons of questions, very little pay.
@jshoppermont wrote:
@CashieNess wrote:
I also won’t do five guys...Tons of questions, very little pay.
The Five Guys shop is a sleeper! I've done so many, and I always wait for the bonus.
I did this shop ONE time.@Mysteriousways wrote:
Intellishops paint shops, but I still did them. They are painful. Not only are they extremely boring but generally low pay however I needed some extra cash. An honest buck is still an honest buck.
Also Field Agent has a alot of LONG winded shops, spent an HOUR for 7 bucks never again. It said check prices but it was really brutal!
So BORING! That was 45 minutes of my life I can't get back. I wanted to shoot myself when it was over!@bestofbothworlds wrote:
K-12 phone shop.
@AnonymousGirl wrote:
A banking shop where I had to request information about accounts for businesses that bring in $200k+ a year. This was a branch in a "higher end" part of town. As soon as the teller asked me questions about how much I made per year, she immediately called the regional president of the bank who just so happened to have an office at the branch.
He asked me questions regarding the nature of my business, asked for a business card, asked for a website, etc. He made a comment about how he'd never met a business owner who not only had no digital footprint, but also didn't have business cards on them.
@Shop-et-al wrote:
Not sure about this: I think it was a mistake to do gas station reveal shops. With some companies, it is impossible to revert to or become a dedicated gas station mystery shopper. I live in a small town and would rather be just a person who buys gas and the occasional cuppa (or whatever) instead of 'the person who comes in here and checks everything out', which often is said through a smirk. Time will tell. If ever I have tremendous availability, I could do routes of these reveals. For now, I can only wish for anonymity.
@sandyf wrote:
@Shop-et-al wrote:
Not sure about this: I think it was a mistake to do gas station reveal shops. With some companies, it is impossible to revert to or become a dedicated gas station mystery shopper. I live in a small town and would rather be just a person who buys gas and the occasional cuppa (or whatever) instead of 'the person who comes in here and checks everything out', which often is said through a smirk. Time will tell. If ever I have tremendous availability, I could do routes of these reveals. For now, I can only wish for anonymity.
You must have really hated this shop since it is posted 5 times!
@Shop-et-al wrote:
I fixed the unexplained duplication.
I do not hate those shops. I only wish that I could be a mystery shopper at any gas station.
I was just bringing your attention to having that post 5x! I did not think you hated the shop but that you regretted you took the reveal one so now you cannot do the non reveal ones and you regretted it 5x strong. I think many of us have clicked reply and seen nothing happening and then clicked reply again and again until it finally seemed to work. 2x or 3x or even 5x. Lots of regret.
@abbyringle wrote:
You know what I'm tired of doing? Little Caesar's. The ones near me are always so busy and never have any pizzas ready and it's just not worth it really.