What's your record?

I did about 40 shops per day for 3 days. These were call shops and if you call early in the morning, call gets answered fast and you fill out the report while talking on the phone; about 2 min per call, some were 5 min per call, few were 10 min. I would love to see this project again.

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@MikiNV wrote:

I did about 40 shops per day for 3 days. These were call shops and if you call early in the morning, call gets answered fast and you fill out the report while talking on the phone; about 2 min per call, some were 5 min per call, few were 10 min. I would love to see this project again.

I have signed on immediately in response to notices about phone shops and found that they were already booked. This has been the case regarding several MSCs in particular, for years. It is like trying to buy tickets to a popular concert as soon as the tickets are available and finding that they are sold out. Since many of the phone shops do not require a residence in the area, this is frustrating.

Also, I do not recall seeing an opportunity to do so many at the same time, to begin with. I won't give up, though.
@james: I think it was one time project; I actually did them twice. I haven’t seen them since, that was a year-year and a half ago. I don’t log in as often so maybe I missed it because the project lasts about 7 days, untill all calls are completed. Stay warm! In general, I do bunch of call shops because I stay at home with my toddler. Most pay little but it adds up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2019 11:54PM by MikiNV.
@interested wrote:

When I was shopping full time, I did an outlet mall that was just opening. I did 150 shops (75 in one day for 2 days) for that project. That was a busy day.

I used to do these about 15 years ago. They still pay the same...
I also got pneumonia doing this. In and out 50 times. 40 degrees and windy, then 75 degrees and humid, back and forth. Got really sick. Thanks no thanks. It can be done for sure. I'm just not doing it. Besides, I think that they paid $5 a location? 50 x $5 = $250 = not worth it for me. They required 10 minutes in each store.
Exactly! I did the outlet a long while ago when I was just excited that they chose me and was having great fun learning about the stores/products so quickly. It was 10 minutes minimum per store and $5/shop plus reimbursements for the few required purchases and eateries. At the time I was excited to make $375 for each day of shopping because I was still fairly new, plus I had a lot of fun. I treated it like an adventure.
If she goes to the Social security office she can ask them how much you can make before the disability payment is affected. Mine comes out to $850 a month before it starts to affect my payments. That is $850 income after taxes so I have to keep track of expenses in a running file (spreadsheet).

@ColoKate63 wrote:

I have a friend who had a spinal fracture and is now in a wheelchair. (hit by a drunk driver) I'm trying to help her find phone shops; do you have any recommendations of companies to begin with? She is very motivated and would be an excellent phone shopper, although she would probably be limited in the amount of income she could generate, because she is on Medicaid and disability, post-accident.
Use the notes app on your phone and make a little note at each shop, name of the manager, anything notable about the shop. It will help you speed along because you are not trying to remember a bunch of facts for your reports.
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