What's your record?

For several years, 42 shops in 6 days was my record.

And then!

I found the company who does the $5 outlet shops, plus the company who shops the valet at the outlet, plus a pizza shop on the way home.

And I did 40 shops in one day.

Yes, really! It took over 6 hours, and I had a headache before it was over, but I made BANK! And got a lot of free food, and free parking! Life is good smiling smiley

What's your record?

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But what was your profit?

"Number of shops" is a strange comparison in many ways as many of us do longer, more involved shops - making the idea of "40 in a day" rather foreign. I do mostly apartments, new homes, casinos, and anything video. I rarely do shops for less than $50 (unless it is a casino). However, my shops take an average of 30 minutes on location.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2019 06:54PM by MFJohnston.
Interesting! smiling smiley Some people get a kick out of doing some huge number of shops. It is its own reward simply to live through that. Adding shops on the fly is fun, too. Usually, there is no time to consult a calculator or tax expert because you have to get the shop, get ready, and get it done quickly.

Kudos to the OP for doing forty shops in one day!!!!! I could not do that. Ever. I work every day in town at one or more jobs, so I only complete a few assignments per day on the few days that I shop. I am pushing for an upcoming two-assignment day. If a scheduler agrees, that will be a biggie for me. If it does not happen, I will have even more time for a fave store which must be combined with one or more shops. (This is how I justify going to that fave place which is not shopped.) Five, or maybe six, assignments in one day will just grind me down to the nub. I have done that and lived through it. One day, I profited close to $200 as the day progressed and I added bonused shops on the fly. It was fun, stressful, and big ol' kick in the butt all at once. My takeaway? If necessary, I could make enough money with little, big, simplistic, complex. low-fee, reimbursement-only, and/or bonused shops. I would not want to do it. I just know that I could. Knowing that is priceless. Thanks, OP! smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
In terms of sheer volume of shops in a short period of time? 35 shops in a day, paid at $22 fee with $2 reimbursement per location. Also $47 fee, no reimbursement for a fast casual shop with about $9 in expenses for that. Then another $25 reimbursement, $10 fee at Texas Roadhouse. 200 miles driven, but rented a $20 car at the nearby airport and paid $25 in gas to fill the tank. I only put 10 Miles total in my personal vehicle. I’d say I clocked in around 20 hours of work (driving, time at locations, taking breaks for meals and shopping on personal time, report time).

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2019 01:05AM by Tarantado.
Five once, and four many times, nowadays it's one, unless it's at the Vegas airport, then 4 or 5

Live consciously....
113 over a two day period at 24 hour gas stations. It was Exhausting, but a great paycheck
Wow! I'm impressed smiling smiley

I've done 6 in one day and it did me in...confusing to remember names, descriptions.....

I will work up to it. I want to, at some point, be able to do 20 a day averaging $25/shop (some fillers for less; some apartments for more) and to do that two days a week...pretty sure I'd have to travel for that, though
Some do it full time. It takes a lot of travel to do it full time, I think....

I've done it since 2006, with many breaks off and on. And being able to take those breaks is what makes me love MSing....you never have to be obligated to work unless you want to. And with that said, I've also hustled with it to make money for vacations, a roof on our house, and the like...

And I've also done it as lifestyle enhancement...taking my kids to restaurants, getting hotel rooms reimbursed on trips, movies, and amusement parks without being out the money (up front, yes, but not long term)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2019 06:39AM by Jill_L.
I think my highest in one day was 19. A normal day for me is 7 to 9. I wished all companies had apps. If they did, I could do more. It's the report deadline that slows me down.

113? OMG! I am impressed, Dave!

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
I think my most was around 22-23? It has been a few years, so I don't remember the exact number. I don't believe it was quite 25 though. I shopped full-time for two years. There were a lot of good parts of it, but I got burned out after those two years. My average on day routes was usually about 10, give or take, but of course it was more on longer/overnight routes. I have just shopped part-time or on the side (depending on the month/week) since then. That is working a lot better for me. I like that I can pick and choose my favorites and the ones that have the most value to me. That often leads to more bonuses and a better hourly rate, since I don't feel pressured to take shops sooner at a lower fee anymore.

Happily shopping the Pacific Northwest. Shopping since 2013 smiling smiley
I have a merchandising route booked for next week that will be 76 locations, with about $900 profit. Not my best profit margin, but I will still have plenty of time for sightseeing along the way as each location takes less than 10 minutes.

@stormraven73 wrote:

I have a merchandising route booked for next week that will be 76 locations, with about $900 profit. Not my best profit margin, but I will still have plenty of time for sightseeing along the way as each location takes less than 10 minutes.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
My personal record for shops in one day is 31. Keep in mind that this particular mystery shop was available for 24 hours on any given day. I started the day at 3AM, took regular breaks, and worked until about 7 PM. And it rained all day too. Had it not been for the rain, I probably would have finished the day in the high 40s.

While on the same route, I completed 93 in a span of 5 days, with two additional MSCs added to the primary MSC that gave me a huge route for the 24 hour venue.
7 gas revealed audits, 1 minimart, 2 hardware stores. My audit extravaganza, and i was wiped out.

Part-time shopper based in Delaware
You must have run the route in an RV... I could never put that much gas in my car - even starting on an empty tank...'

@davep2222 wrote:

113 over a two day period at 24 hour gas stations. It was Exhausting, but a great paycheck

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
Record Shops In a Day: 14
Record Money Earned in a Day: $518 (in 6 shops, all gas stations)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2019 11:41PM by KA047.
Citgo & Marathon don't include a gas purchase.... I've done exceptionally large routes of both, actually I am trying to work out a route of these right now that totals 125ish locations.

@MFJohnston wrote:

You must have run the route in an RV... I could never put that much gas in my car - even starting on an empty tank...'

@davep2222 wrote:

113 over a two day period at 24 hour gas stations. It was Exhausting, but a great paycheck
Eleven, over two days; driving 800+ miles. Gas station audits, so each took an hour. Three the first day, 8 the second (on the way home). Picked up a fast food and a ATT&T for an extra $250, so the two day total:

Mine is 8.
1 car wash wash
1 comcast
3 banks
1 clothing store
2 non reveal gas stations

I typically do 3 to 5 on the days I do shop

Shopping Idaho and Oregon/Idaho border region.
I completed a 22 gas station audit road trip and 20 more the next day on the return trip home. It rained the whole time and was so windy, I thought I was going to get blown away. I brought my own food, used the hotel microwave to heat my dinner, and reward point paid for the hotel room. Total out of pocket cost was $14 for a 5-gallon gas can.
Based on this thread, I’m heading out now to set a Personal Best: 52 shops today. :-)

50 are Field Agent assignments paying $5 each, and are smartphone-based. Real estate verifications in a large condominium complex. I did 20 of these in 2-1/2 hours on Friday, including the 15-minute drive. The $5 assignments are literally walking the complex, five iPhone photos at different angles of each individual building, upload, repeat.
$250 for five hours, getting my “steps” in, paid within 5 business days: not bad.
Then, after a nice lunch, two new home shops.
Happy Monday!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2019 02:46PM by ColoKate63.
It was a string of 24 hour gas stations. It was over 30 hours. I don't know that I would ever do it again the same way...
In person shops my record is 16 in 1 day. That's when I was doing shopping full time.

I do mainly all phone shops these days and sometimes can do up to 100 + calls per day when it gets really busy (Average though is 30-40 per day). that's me working from 4-5am to 7-8pm doing calls and reports.
I have a friend who had a spinal fracture and is now in a wheelchair. (hit by a drunk driver) I'm trying to help her find phone shops; do you have any recommendations of companies to begin with? She is very motivated and would be an excellent phone shopper, although she would probably be limited in the amount of income she could generate, because she is on Medicaid and disability, post-accident.
I do MS just for vacation money and the food. No other reasons at all other than to use towards fun stuff.
I think my record is 16 in one day. Generally, the shops I do take at least 20 minutes on site. It wouldn't be possible for me to do more than that in a day.
You guys are rock stars, I was pulling my hair at 8. My bread and butter grocery store ones are now less available with bonus in my area and I got deactivated from my fast food ones. Had to apply for a flight attendant gig to keep me busy.
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