What's your record?

Me I don't get assignment. In early december is when i received email to visit some shops unfortunately when i replied they told that the assignment was undertaken by someone else. What should I do? How do you get assignment?

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I do alot of convenience stores, one company I started doing work for had a deadline and I did 93 stores in two and a half days company did make it worth my while and I wish they'd give me shops like that again, i try to do no less then 25 in a area if its out of town

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2019 08:41PM by bmartin46528.
I really would like to see a timetable of the time spent on each of the forty shops. I can not fathom how one could visit that many for any appreciable time, including the reports. How did you do it?
@jameschicago wrote:

I really would like to see a timetable of the time spent on each of the forty shops. I can not fathom how one could visit that many for any appreciable time, including the reports. How did you do it?

If it's the one I'm thinking of, you're only required to spend 10 minutes in each store.
Still, one would have to get to the stores and write the reports. I am open to being told how to power shop!
I agree. I have a hard time coordinating 2-3 shops in close proximity in a given time frame. I just don’t see how it can be done. I have not seen any food shops that don’t require a certain amount of time inside. The reports take time too. I don’t even want to try, but if I did, I would have to see it done.

I understand that my area is probably not as densely populated as some but still, getting it to work out is just not in my realm of thought.
@Alpha wrote:

Me I don't get assignment. In early december is when i received email to visit some shops unfortunately when i replied they told that the assignment was undertaken by someone else. What should I do? How do you get assignment?

The usual advice from the more experienced shoppers is:

1. Sign up with as many companies as possible. Depending upon where you live and how far you can travel, you might find a number of jobs that you can do.
2. Consult the job announcement boards on this forum and/or at Jobslinger and/or Volition.
3. Be patient and study the job announcements frequently. Some companies announce jobs for the next month at a certain point in the current month. There may be other patterns or random job announcements.
4. Try to work with schedulers and help them get their work loads completed. Perhaps some schedulers will remember you for future assignments.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I am so very sorry I read this thread in its entirety. I was naive enough to think there might be meaningful content. Time I will never get back!!
Welcome. You are new. If you continue to follow It will be hopeful you may learn this board is supportive of each other. Wishing you well in your shopping.
Hey, I'm old and slowing down. A number of years ago, I did an outlet, I think 100 shops, which included stores, food court, security, maintenance and the office. I had 3 weekend days to do it, and used every one. Awful. Now, doing an airport program, 10-13 shops in one day, with 48 hrs to submit the reports...every other month or so, and it wipes me out for days. Now, I procrastinate in writing the shops ups...love the shop, dislike the reports. Do a fast food that has to be completed within an hour, but only 1 a day, as I am not comfortable doing the shops in the car. Give me my desktop any day! I tend to do a few shops a week, if I can drag myself out of bed! : )
@jameschicago wrote:

I really would like to see a timetable of the time spent on each of the forty shops. I can not fathom how one could visit that many for any appreciable time, including the reports. How did you do it?

I have done batches of shops that required a purchase and the only thing to evaluate was the purchase. I entered the shop on the app. I had a driver who shuttled me from shop to shop. Paid $8-$10 per location and a reimbursement of around $15 each (I bought whatever I wanted.) Total time in the store depended on how long it took me to decide what to buy. Generally 3-8 minutes a piece. Reports took less than 5 minutes each on the app.

I did over 200 locations. Daily I did 5-30 locations until I was done. I work full-time, or I'd have been done in 10 days.

QSR drive-thrus can also be done in bulk. So can gas station mystery shops. I did 10 of those after work on Sunday.
SoCal Mama you hit the jackpot on those shops....only report the purchase. I love that and if I ever come across those I might do a bunch.
I used to do no more than 3 in a day. But now I shop the airport where I do 11or 12. The reports are annoying and redundant but I don't have to drive thru terrible LA traffic and find parking for each shop. Those who think it is easy to mystery shop in a big city...well it is not. The short drives from place to place take a lot of time and finding parking, especially free parking can be a challenge.
My record is one. smiling smiley I pretty much only do the Handful of Men burgers when I get called once a month or so.

I agree with JamesChicago. Ten minutes in each location x 40 is 6.67 hours. Five minutes for the report on the app x 40 is 3.34 hours. That is over 10 hours not counting travel time between shops. Maybe if you stay awake for over 17 hours doing nothing but shops, and that's an estimate. No breaks or stopping to eat. A young person can pull it off, but your effectiveness is going to decrease past a certain point.
Folks brand new to shopping could have had quite a few takeaways:
* Different varieties of shops were mentioned.
* The number of shops folks can be assigned is quite large.
* Different folks mentioned different ways they approach shopping.
* The time it takes to do different shops.
* And so on...

If you are experienced, you won't get a lot out of most threads. However, beginners often will. I still pick up new ideas with frequency. If there is something you'd like to learn more about, open your own thread and ask.

@4Wildcat wrote:

I am so very sorry I read this thread in its entirety. I was naive enough to think there might be meaningful content. Time I will never get back!!

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
I've done a group of airport post-security shops either with a special pass or with an escort and parking reimbursement. I've done between 6 and 12 in one session. Like others on this thread, I too am getting older and some reports require more uploads including photos and geoverify, recorded phone calls in advance, etc. So I really don't like to do more than 1 or 2 a day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2019 02:22PM by lagrandamme.
It amazes me how many people take these low paying gigs. When I started, I tried to do just about everything I could. I would see $50 and bam I had to do it. Now I try to limit myself to less is more. I would rather make $40 for a gas station that is basically pictures and yes or no's than 1 bank/apartment which requires narrative (in a certain vein). I gauge a route by roughly 2 or three that I can clear a $100 bucks for then add a couple more. I am thrilled to do 5 gas stations for 30-50 a piece and throw in some easy OSI's on the route if I can find them (like Scope R's). I figured out the hard way, that I don't have to take everything I can. You will burn your self out, how about just making the same amount of money and only doing 4 shops that evening? I might have to add driving time to the route but my brain thanks me for it!
Ps. I still do my grocery stores. They are fairly easy and I use them to buy necessities I have to buy anyway like toilet paper, paper towels, dog treats, cat litter etc.
Throw in a random eatery, usually bonused.
@F and L TeleComm wrote:

throw in some easy OSI's on the route if I can find them (like Scope R's).

What are OSI's??
@booberka wrote:

You guys are rock stars, I was pulling my hair at 8. My bread and butter grocery store ones are now less available with bonus in my area and I got deactivated from my fast food ones. Had to apply for a flight attendant gig to keep me busy.

I follow two flight attendants on you tube. One of them has become a friend. I’m trying to get him m into mystery shopping as he lives in Vegas.
Man oh man...I must live in a mystery shop moonscape. There are nowhere near that amount of shops and most of them are pitiful payers.
@wildherbs wrote:

Man oh man...I must live in a mystery shop moonscape. There are nowhere near that amount of shops and most of them are pitiful payers.

There are not many shops for me in the small town where I live. I am too old for some shops, do not want to bother about some other shops, and am out of rotation for still others. Well, I could travel hundreds of miles to pick up bonused shops and then go out of rotation for them. It's okay. I have found my niche. I will travel for some shops because I must/get to travel through the wide open spaces to get there. I have other jobs. I need more sleep and more workout time. In short, I am a very part-time shopper who thinks it's a really good idea to shop at the way-points and ends of vast spaces because the views are wonderful and I love them. and this is more important and beneficial than fees, bonuses, and reimbursements combined. But when something I like is available nearby, I will do the assignment.

Hmm. Perhaps we could start the opposite thread: what's your record for fewest assignments and lowest pay? smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
When I was shopping full time, I did an outlet mall that was just opening. I did 150 shops (75 in one day for 2 days) for that project. That was a busy day. Other than that, my max shops in a day was about 48... I had booked myself in a city with two consecutive hotel nights plus other shops but had to change my plans to do it all in a 1-night stay instead because I needed to get home. I got permission to do the two hotels in the same night. I shopped 2 hotels (including dining and room service, etc. at the hotels), mattress shops, a couple of phone shops, 4 retail purchase shops, 1 massage shop (not in the hotel), a bowling shop, a kid's fun place shop, 2 fast casual food shops, and some cell phone and electronic store shops. Needless to say, I ate way too much and spent the next day finishing write-ups. It was crazy! I and my guest went back and forth between hotels as necessary too at night and in the morning. That was actually fun, and we slept at the location we liked the best! I actually did really well on all of my reports too. I was proud of myself...lol. No need to prove myself to me anymore.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2019 07:21PM by interested.
@4Wildcat wrote:

I am so very sorry I read this thread in its entirety. I was naive enough to think there might be meaningful content. Time I will never get back!!

My record is 2! Ha.

I immensely enjoy reading this thread. I have a pretty strict 8 mile radius that is personal to my habits, and I only enjoy doing the shops that are either on my way home from work, or are in my downtown area on days I have previous engagements there. So far it’s working out. My profits are small but tangible. And I love reading about everyone’s habits. It makes me realize what’s possible.
@interested wrote:

When I was shopping full time, I did an outlet mall that was just opening. I did 150 shops (75 in one day for 2 days) for that project. That was a busy day. Other than that, my max shops in a day was about 48... I had booked myself in a city with two consecutive hotel nights plus other shops but had to change my plans to do it all in a 1-night stay instead because I needed to get home. I got permission to do the two hotels in the same night. I shopped 2 hotels (including dining and room service, etc. at the hotels), mattress shops, a couple of phone shops, 4 retail purchase shops, 1 massage shop (not in the hotel), a bowling shop, a kid's fun place shop, 2 fast casual food shops, and some cell phone and electronic store shops. Needless to say, I ate way too much and spent the next day finishing write-ups. It was crazy! I and my guest went back and forth between hotels as necessary too at night and in the morning. That was actually fun, and we slept at the location we liked the best! I actually did really well on all of my reports too. I was proud of myself...lol. No need to prove myself to me anymore.

I really would like to see the timetable for these. For example, how much time was allotted for each shop as well as the travel time and time spent filling out the report. It would be great to see the reports for these too. I know that that is not possible, but when I do a report it takes more than a couple of minutes. The hotel and dining shops are very complex. I couldn't do two at the same time because I would get them mixed up. I can not see a MSC allowing one to shop two hotels at the same time because that would not be an experience that a real customer would have.

I'd would love to know exactly how you did it!
Hi. I love your message. It reminds me that what I accomplished was REALLY great. As long as you believe it's not possible, you will never be able to do it. That just contributes to my job security winking smiley Thanks.

Hope this helps... I have a photographic memory. I remember precise details easily. I also have a system for notetaking. I am fortunate because I have no problem keeping details straight regarding shops. I was able to meet all requirements and got 10 out of 10's and 100%'s on all but one shop. An editor came back to ask the time I visited the restroom, so I had a point deducted. It's not customary to complete 2 hotel shops in one night, but I had permission and rocked the evaluations!

I took notes on location for the non-hotel shops, but I completed and submitted those when in my hotel rooms. I give very detailed reports, which takes time, so I don't usually complete reports onsite except for hotels unless the MSP requests it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2019 10:39PM by interested.
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