The best day I had I made $1200 in a day doing alcohol and tobacco compliance shops on the east coast. For about 6 months these shops were paying $20-$50 a shop and I could do 25-40 a day depending on how spread out they were.
On the day I made $1200 every shop was about 6 minutes apart in a busy city and I was paying a driver $12 an hour to drop me off in front of the store and wait outside with the hazards on. The shops only took ~2 minutes each. I'd run back to the car and fill out the report while my driver took me to the next shop. Each shop was bonused, paying $50 each and I could do 4 or 5 of them an hour. It felt like I was printing money. I couldn't believe how overpaid I was.
During this period of my life I was a college student making $3000-$5000 a month mystery shopping part time. It seemed like so much money at the time. I continuously blew through all my money every month and never worried because I knew I could just grab more shops. I frivolously spent most of the money and to this day I still can't figure out where it all went.
Unfortunately, the client dropped the pay down to $15 a shop so I can't afford to pay a driver anymore. I was also stuck with a $3000 tax bill for the money I made during that period. Now I'm lucky to clear $300 a day and I have to travel farther and farther. I miss the good old days but I always knew in the back of my mind that it was too good to last.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2019 01:59AM by Jbrz123.