How much to the MSCs make off of the shops?

I had a scheduler offer me a shop that I would have ended of paying out of pocket to do because the MSC pay was so low versus my travel, time, expenses, etc. The scheduler said that I have a wrong perception about how much the companies make off of shops. She said they could not afford to pay me any higher because the amount they were being paid by the client was so low. So, that leads me this thread. How much do the MSCs make off of, retail, garage, video, hotel, entertainment, etc...??

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I have no idea how much a MSC may make for a shop, but it has to be enough to cover their expenses (scheduler's time, editor's time, overhead) plus make a profit, so I would imagine it's in the hundred dollar range at least.

As for your situation with the scheduler, they may be speaking the truth, but that's not your problem. They don't want to loose money, neither do you. Hopefully they can find another shopper closer to the location to fulfill their contract.

proudly shopping in the D.
True! And thank you. You're right. I can't hurt myself by trying to help them, so I can't do it. Thank you.
Consider this, why are there so many MSCs? because it's a very low overhead, low risk business, very little capital outlay, very few barriers to entry. They are middle brokers...I recently posted some info on fees paid to MSCs by clients in the funeral can search for it if interested, very healthy margins to be made if you go by​ that link.
Isn't it good business practice to sometimes lose money in the short term or on several shops, in this example, to keep the client happy? You should be able to make it up on other shops in the contract.

Wouldn't it also solidify the relationship to ensure future business for the MSC with this client?
Yes, that's a good point. I have done that a lot. I've taken some shops just to establish a relationship or get my foot in the door. I've been disappointed though because in some cases, the schedulers have not rewarded that loyalty. In the case of the retail price audits, I went out of my way to do the audits when they needed me; then they cut me out of the program. But I know you're right about weighing the benefits of relationship building. Thank you
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