On the spot reward shops

I just noticed these shops that you go into a restaurant and see if the waitress/waiter offers you certain items. If they do you ask for a manager and present them a reward. If they don't you just return the reward to the MSC. It sounds like fun but only pay $5.

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I did a bunch of these for sub shops...you had to return the prizes you don't give out. Guessing that would be the same.
$5 Fee plus $15 max reimbusement. Simple scenario. Confero is a good MSC, glad to see them offer this.

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When you get in debt you become a slave. - Andrew Jackson
@hnov29 wrote:

I did a bunch of these for sub shops...you had to return the prizes you don't give out. Guessing that would be the same.
What types of prizes do you get to give?
When I did them I think they were $25 Visa gift cards. The report was too lengthy for the assignment pay, though. They wanted all the usual interactions that you'd have at a restaurant, plus a detailed description of how the employee and the manager acted during the reveal, what emotions they expressed and how you thought they felt about the whole thing. YMMV.

"The future ain't what it used to be." --Yogi Berra
Yikes, on the report. I signed up for one. Maybe I will already be hungry again by the time the report is done!?
The amusement park ones they have are awesome. I take my niece (I have to pay for her ticket) but I get free parking and drinks and food are taken care of so I am OK with it
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