Recording times without being obvious...

@AZwolfman wrote:

For all of you who like to audio record long shops; why not video record instead? It will save you much time when going back to check details when writing the report.
For anyone without a covert video recorder, I use an app called Background Video recorder on some shops. and have the top of my phone sticking out of my front pocket slightly. The app allows yo to use the front or back camera of your phone and you can use other apps (except other recording apps) or nothing and there's no indicating you are recording except for the video icon on the top bar of the phone.
If you use a recorder of any sort it isn't difficult to know when things arrive, etc...

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Yes, BVR is what I have used also for the past 3 years or so. It is not free, but it is worth it.There is a setting that allows you to hide that icon if you wish.
I use an app I read on on this forum called ShopIt. The screen looks like I am texting. I use it to make notes.

"She was not quite what you would call refined. She was not quite what you would call unrefined. She was the type of person who would keep a parrot." Mark Twain
Interesting, I had never delved deep into the BVR settings, but I also saw instead of just eliminating that icon, you can set it to show something else (such as flashlight for example). Not that I exact anyone to see the recorder with all the other icons usually at the top of my screen, but I picked a new icon anyway.
@isaiah58 wrote:

I use a recording app on my phone, leaving the phone out on the table or in my top pocket. The apps keep recording with the screen off. Do not answer any calls, that usually interrupts the microphone.

Do a practice run at home to make sure the app works as expected.

I have been on several shops where my phone went off and I ignored it and was questioned by whomever I was talking to Aren't you going to get that. Nope, its the ex and that is their ringtone. Now I just put it in airplane mode.
@AZwolfman wrote:

For all of you who like to audio record long shops; why not video record instead? It will save you much time when going back to check details when writing the report.

I've been video recording ever since I started doing the unpopular pizza shops that require timings to the second while interacting with the staff and in their full view. It's just impossible to do 10 things at once, and video lets me relax and focus on other stuff.

I have a case for my phone that hides the screen, although if I didn't I could download those background video apps.

The biggest problem is that once in a while, the video fails. It simply stops recording, doesn't save what it had, nothing. So I have to reconstruct using other timestamps. So I try to make notes in my mind just in case.

Before I enter the shop report, I write the timings I need on a pad (enter line, reach counter, greeted, etc) and then go through the video, marking the time, noting what was said and whether they were smiling, etc. I get a lot of feedback thanking me for good details. It's amazing the things you can forget; as a former journalist I was already aware of how poorly we recall people's exact words. I never do an interview without recording it!

Most of the timings and important stuff happen at the beginning and then the end, so it goes pretty fast.

As for the legality, we are told they are already recording video at most shop locations.
The laws actually refer to audio recording, not video. Many of the video recorders in stores and restaurants do not capture audio.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
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