Like some other shoppers in TX, I lucked out with the storm and only experienced heavy to steady rain. Some gas stations are not operational in my area. So far the stations that are down, have lousy internet connections and always experience issues when it drizzles.
I normally start my multi-day routes by mid-September. Not going to happen because those shops are on the coastline. I wasn't impacted with damage from Andrew in 1992, but I did live with other issues because of it for months. Years later, the damage was still evident. I have no desire to shop in areas that don't need any extra people in their neighborhoods.
I regularly get emails for shops located 2000-3000 miles away. The emails get a laugh and deleted.
I live in an area that is considered a bedroom community and still out in the middle of no where. I have a shopping radius of 200 miles. I'm also the shopper who picks up the $6 shops, if they are on the way, I can submit from my phone or tablet and takes all of 20 minutes of my life.
I understand why other shoppers get bent with shoppers who take the low pay shops. I will admit that my actions may impact other shoppers with the low pay. But if I can make $6, while traveling to my big pay shops, I'm going to sign up.
Why should I pass up a shop that is on the way and my big pay shops are a minimum of 40 miles and essentially pay $10 an hour with shop and report time? Big whoop, I need to get up at 4am instead of 5am.
My heart is breaking for my friends and acquaintances in the areas that will live for years with the destruction, but being offended by emails asking shoppers to perform shops in areas that common sense says to avoid, is not on my aggravation list.
I do not ever have to accept a shop. I do on the other hand need to be a professional and communicate with my schedulers if I have difficulties and hopefully reschedule. Or heaven forbid take the flakes.
And my schedulers because we have a good working relationship have already told me my shops can be rescheduled if I experience problems.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!