@Glen Fuller wrote:
I will be the first to admit that my spelling is not the greatest but I am not running for an office position and I don't have Mr. Webster next to me to have every word correct for edification.
Grammarly blog gives frequent advice for free. I know for a fact I should make a point of using it.
I have a subscription to Microsoft Office. It is shared with family, the cost is just under $ 21 a head a year. I keep track of my companies on Excel. Nasty long narratives are always written in Word. If a company has rules for cut and paste, I print the narratives and type it in the report after Word has had its way. It isn't the panacea for grammar and spelling, but it works for me.
Double check your narratives for spelling and grammatical errors. Take a break and reread narratives; out loud if necessary before submitting reports. Don't take on more than you can chew. Sleep is a beautiful thing.
Last but not least, please utilize information from all the members and read all the sections on this board. I'm still in my infancy compared to other members. I've learned what not to do and then a should've had a V8 moment from both the experienced and neophyte members. We're here to help as best we can.
Almost forgot...Welcome.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!