Dose any one know?

what is the required score you need on the Sinclair X-O test I know I hit a 75% but that said congrats to me so is that a passing score or what do I need to retake? Glen Fuller

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What is a Sinclair X-O test? Are you talking about Sinclair Customer Metrics?

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Most MSC tests won't say Congrats if you did not pass though so I would assume you did.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Congratulations! You're a failure!

Seriously, nobody cares that you're offended.
Ah! It's been years since I signed up for them. Didn't remember that. If it said congrats then you probably passed! Good luck!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
It has nothing to do with math. I passed it the first time. It's about logic. It tests your ability to know and observe what comes next.
@MSNinja wrote:

i thought x o was hugs & kisses. didnt know there was a test for that.
Every day is a test for that.

"The future ain't what it used to be." --Yogi Berra
Glen, you don't get a congratulations for failing. You persevered. Please take the time to read the New Mystery Shopper section of the forum, and every other section as well. Realize and respect that shoppers adhere to their agreements as independent contractors, as well as forum guidelines. Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and guidelines. Good luck going forward!
Glen, Ninja is "doing her thang" I suppose because you're writing here on the forum is like hers/his; missing capital letters, punctuation is all over the place, run on sentences, names for things that are incorrect and speech phrases like "thank you on that" which is not at all common English.
enough w/personal insults. griffin & spicy should read posting guidelines instead of politics & religion. why do u 2 care about my typing skills. u r not editors & u r not employed by msc. isnt this bullying. one even started fake thread 7& admitted to his own troll behavior. typing should be least of your worries. block me out then no worries about typing, spicy got moderated for making fun of esl people.
where was a fake thread started I don't know what ur talking about

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Ninja, when someone, MANY someone's ask you what they did to you to make you such a $#%^$# to them, you know well and good you're being unreasonably mean!!!! No need to pretend you don't know what you're doing!
I will be the first to admit that my spelling is not the greatest but I am not running for an office position and I don't have Mr. Webster next to me to have every word correct for edification.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/2017 03:38AM by Glen Fuller.
If you are not a good speller you will need to become one if you plan on being a mystery shopper. Both because your reports need to be well written and because to be successful will require a lot of communication with schedulers via email. Poor spelling will give the appearance of both unprofessionalism and lack of ability to write good reports.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Sure, you'll fit in here just fine! Just ignore the comments that aren't helpful. It helps your case, when asking a question, though to write in normal speech. However, no matter how normal you speak here, or anywhere really, there will always be someone who just doesn't getcha and wants to remark on it. People do it to me, and I do it to them. I'm in a lot of forums and this is one that doesn't get too crazy!
I have noticed that as I am new to this and testing the waters here there are a lot of great advices that has been given that I am soaking it in.
@Glen Fuller wrote:

I will be the first to admit that my spelling is not the greatest but I am not running for an office position and I don't have Mr. Webster next to me to have every word correct for edification.

Grammarly blog gives frequent advice for free. I know for a fact I should make a point of using it.

I have a subscription to Microsoft Office. It is shared with family, the cost is just under $ 21 a head a year. I keep track of my companies on Excel. Nasty long narratives are always written in Word. If a company has rules for cut and paste, I print the narratives and type it in the report after Word has had its way. It isn't the panacea for grammar and spelling, but it works for me.

Double check your narratives for spelling and grammatical errors. Take a break and reread narratives; out loud if necessary before submitting reports. Don't take on more than you can chew. Sleep is a beautiful thing.

Last but not least, please utilize information from all the members and read all the sections on this board. I'm still in my infancy compared to other members. I've learned what not to do and then a should've had a V8 moment from both the experienced and neophyte members. We're here to help as best we can.

Almost forgot...Welcome.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!
@bgriffin wrote:

where was a fake thread started I don't know what ur talking about
by bgriffin - General Chat
Re: Abortion discussion thread - Yesterday

bgriffin 8k 4y August 28, 2017 04:08PM
@Shop-et-al wrote:

I do not know what bgriffin was intending to accomplish with his opening post.

@bgriffin wrote: I started an obvious troll thread about a very polarizing political topic and even though it was an obvious troll thread it still only took 8 minutes for someone to post a reply. That's what happens when people discuss politics on a forum that is not about politics.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/2017 02:19PM by MSNinja.
You posted in that thread. How can one post in a fake thread? Perhaps your post was fake as well!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
It would be nice if some people would stop dragging forum drama into EVERY SINGLE THREAD. Ninja, I'm looking at you. You make PCB and griff look positively mature. Now go ahead and blast me, I don't care, because it's obviously all you know how to do.
@CoffeeQueen wrote:

You make PCB and griff look positively mature.

And I'm seriously like a 4 year old at best!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
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