What should I write. When I apply for a job ?

I nees help i dont know what to write when i apply for any of the jobs fpr mystery shopper . Any advice or pointers?

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Read all the information in the New Mystery Shopper area so you understand what mystery shopping is and how it works. Mystery shoppers are independent contractors so you do not apply for a job. You will not be an employee. You will be running your own business. Below is a great list of mystery shopping companies to register with.
Just write the information the form asks for. Most are pretty straightforward. When (if) they ask for a writing sample, you'll need to proofread your sample much more carefully than you did your above post.
Write a miniature resumé. Mine is usually something like, "I am an experienced and reliable Mystery Shopper who is a Gold-certified MSPA member (Cert number 000001). I have performed hundreds of assignments for dozens of Mystery Shopping companies, ranging from phone and retail shops to fine dining, upscale bar integrity, and overnight hospitality assignments at four-star hotels."
Just make it true. Even if you're new, you have some qualifications for this. Say you have access to a laptop and high-speed internet, and you take your commitments seriously. That in itself makes you eligible for plenty of shops.

"The future ain't what it used to be." --Yogi Berra
Spellcheck and proofread. Seriously, I don't mean that to be picking at you. Shop companies do read our report samples. I am not an eloquent writer and I struggle with grammar... but I know that if I misspell a bunch of words the person reading it might roll their eyes and wonder why I don't have a spellchecker turned on.

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