Better Business Bureau...

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It's membership based. The company chooses to be a member.

Seriously, nobody cares that you're offended.
Companies that are not members can still have a BBB rating. The rating is based on public information and the number of complaints the BBB receives from consumers.

For instance, Cirrus is not an accredited member of the BBB, but they have a BBB rating of A- [] I picked Cirrus because I looked them up recently based on a different thread. When you follow the link, on the right side is a statement saying Cirrus isn't accredited, and below that is their rating.
BBB ratings for mystery shopping companies are not all their cracked up to be.

Out of curiosity I checked up on a MSC. It was a small, but excellent company. Easy to work with, always paid on time. Their rating was F. The rating seemed to be based on one thing, the BBB had them listed as a home based business which made them suspect.

I tend to be skeptical of complaints from mystery shoppers as well. There have been to many instances on this forum where someone gripes to high heaven before it is determined they were actually the one at fault. Those are the type to be the first to write a complaint on Rip Off Report or complain to the BBB.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
People who have good experiences or no issues with a company don't always leave feedback with the BBB, Yelp, Amazon, etc. People who have problems vent on sites, and that skews the results.

I left feedback for a product I fell in love with on the Sally Beauty website. At the time, the product had been out for 6 months, and I was the first one to leave feedback. After the product had been out for two years, there was feedback going back five years.

We all know about the feedback for products on Amazon.

I no longer trust the system.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Lisa is correct. I don't trust any BBB rating they give, however, what I use to gauge how good a company is how many complaints a company gets and what kind of complaints. Take Solarcity san fran/northern coastal california for example, they have an A+ rating but there are 6 positive reviews and 49 negative reviews. If you ever want to read horror stories then read the negative reviews. The BBB doesn't give an accurate picture. But if a business doesn't have any bad reviews and has been in business for many years then mostly likely its a decent company and i would do further research. Sometimes there is written back and forth interaction between the customer and the company, that gives good insight to how a company handles complaints and whether the customer has a legitimate gripe. If there are enough reviews yo be read, that should give you an idea as to what the company is like.
The rating is unreliable, as evidenced by Cirrus' having an A- rating. If shoppers could vote right now, I'm pretty sure they would have an F+ I'm awarding a "+" because if you chase down payments doggedly, you will get paid. And then deactivated smiling smiley
Similar thing happened to me. Did jobs regular for 4 months. I expected to be paid in Mar for Dec work. When nothing posted by Mar 20th, I started to get nervous. I emailed the Sr Account Mgr. She said it should post near or at month end. April 4th still nothing. I read the posts that said chase it. So I emailed her again saying as the Sr Account Mgr can you please help find out what is the problem. She never replied. But the payment did post on the 9th of April. After that I felt better about the situation, since payments should start posting monthly. I applied for job after job, and they kept disappearing, and then become available again. I called asking the scheduler about it. She said that she would check it out. Later that day I get an email saying that a customer called me out on my demeanor, so they can no longer use my work. I believe this is a crock.
@Carol R wrote:

Similar thing happened to me. Did jobs regular for 4 months. I expected to be paid in Mar for Dec work. When nothing posted by Mar 20th, I started to get nervous. I emailed the Sr Account Mgr. She said it should post near or at month end. April 4th still nothing. I read the posts that said chase it. So I emailed her again saying as the Sr Account Mgr can you please help find out what is the problem. She never replied. But the payment did post on the 9th of April. After that I felt better about the situation, since payments should start posting monthly. I applied for job after job, and they kept disappearing, and then become available again. I called asking the scheduler about it. She said that she would check it out. Later that day I get an email saying that a customer called me out on my demeanor, so they can no longer use my work. I believe this is a crock.

Not a crock, a win-win. Since your experience with payment was normal for this company, the payments would not start posting monthly. The payment issue would repeat over and over. You would be nervous and have to chase payment . It would annoy them and you would get paid late. Over and over. Be happy. They did you a favor.
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