Isn't this the strangest request for a shopper?

Shop Pay: $150 plus $25 reimbursement.
Description: The shopper will present themselves as a member of the LGBTQ community, and request bar service. The representative will then enter the restroom of the opposite gender. The representative will report..."

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Not an odd request at all with all the legislation currently trying to address the right of persons to use restrooms of a different gender than their birth certificate. North Carolina currently has legislation in place blocking persons from using bathrooms based on gender identity rather than birth gender. Texas is currently contemplating similar legislation. It's a big question right now. And it could be a very uncomfortable shop to perform. Hence the pay. That's not one I'll do.
@roflwofl wrote:

Not an odd request at all with all the legislation currently trying to address the right of persons to use restrooms of a different gender than their birth certificate. North Carolina currently has legislation in place blocking persons from using bathrooms based on gender identity rather than birth gender. Texas is currently contemplating similar legislation.

Gender is not recorded on birth certificates - not even in North Carolina. Sex is.
This sounds fishy to me. The only part of the LGBTQ community who are entering opposite sex bathrooms are the T members. Lesbians typically use the women's restroom, gay men typically use the men's restroom, bisexual folks usually use the sex they were born with, and questioning too. I'm not any type of expert, and these are not concrete truths, but that is an odd shop requirement. And... how exactly does one portray themselves as lesbian, gay, questioning or bisexual just by sitting and asking for bar service? Tons of questions for this shop and guidelines...

Perhaps a better shop would be to say to represent yourself as transgender and dress as the opposite sex? This all sounds like a pot stirring question, but if a company is actually having these types of shops, I'm all sorts of confused with those vague directions.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2017 01:06AM by MountainCacher88.
I am 100% straight (sorry, I was born that way!) but I have used both the men's room and the ladies' room depending on the length of the line and the urgency. Surprisingly many of the men's rooms have been cleaner than the women's room.

In my hardcore party days, you would find anyone and everyone in any of the bathrooms. Sex and drugs go hand-in-hand apparently in the restroom. Is that why they have the condom machines in the restrooms?
I have used the men's almost as much as the women's. If it's empty and there's a line, why would I not? I once got into a fight with a drag queen in a bathroom but that's another story. Regarding the shop, I would do it in a heartbeat for that amount of money. But MountainCacher88 has some good points. How would they know if I"m LGBTQ?
I don't know how I would represent myself as a member of the LGBTQ community without being very awkward...even though I'm gay myself. What?

Also, you don't necessarily have to look a certain way to be trans or GNC. The beginning part of those instructions (represent yourself...) is silly to me, but I understand the rest of it. However, depending on who is around, the area, etc., it could possibly be a dangerous situation.
@MountainCacher88 wrote:

This sounds fishy to me. The only part of the LGBTQ community who are entering opposite sex bathrooms are the T members. Lesbians typically use the women's restroom, gay men typically use the men's restroom, bisexual folks usually use the sex they were born with, and questioning too. I'm not any type of expert, and these are not concrete truths, but that is an odd shop requirement. And... how exactly does one portray themselves as lesbian, gay, questioning or bisexual just by sitting and asking for bar service? Tons of questions for this shop and guidelines...

Perhaps a better shop would be to say to represent yourself as transgender and dress as the opposite sex? This all sounds like a pot stirring question, but if a company is actually having these types of shops, I'm all sorts of confused with those vague directions.

I know plenty of cis women who are lesbians who sometimes choose to use the men's room. Depending on dress, hair, many people make assumptions and women who may appear more on the masculine end can experience threats from bar security when using the women's bathroom, other women in the bathroom yelling, etc. I don't think that happens quite so much anymore in my area, though I haven't gone to a bar in years. Sometimes it's just easier to use the restroom that won't raise any eyebrows so you can just go peepee without drama.
I am a straight female. I would have a really difficult time going into the men's room and seeing guys peeing in the urinals. Yes, back in the 80s I used the men's room a few times at concerts because the line in the ladies' room was too long, but I had a couple of guys who cleared the area for me before I went into one of the stalls. And those days are long over. I don't think $150 is nearly enough to get me to do that shop.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2017 02:36PM by JASFLALMT.
We have a law in CA that allows women to use the men's room if there's an excessive wait for them. It's a pretty normal thing for me to women coming through the grab a stall in clubs/bars.

That said, I think f you read between the lines of those instructions, it reads to me like they want you to go to the bar in drag, get service and then see if they allow you to use the women's restroom. It's a standard compliance shop with a not-so-standard scenario. If you were too convincing it probably wouldn't be a good test......
I just think that the shop guidelines are naive concerning the concept of "looking" LGBT. They seem to want some sort of flamboyant behavior, which most in that community would not present and with some find a bit comic. I am uncomfortably reminded of the outrageous portrayals of Black folks presented by so-called "blackface" vaudeville entertainers.

Now, if what the client wants is that a transvestite or a transgender person make that fact obvious, that could make some sense. But if that is what is wanted, why not just recruit accordingly?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
@walesmaven wrote:

But if that is what is wanted, why not just recruit accordingly?

You mean craigslist? smiling smiley
@walesmaven wrote:

I just think that the shop guidelines are naive concerning the concept of "looking" LGBT. They seem to want some sort of flamboyant behavior, which most in that community would not present and with some find a bit comic. I am uncomfortably reminded of the outrageous portrayals of Black folks presented by so-called "blackface" vaudeville entertainers.

Now, if what the client wants is that a transvestite or a transgender person make that fact obvious, that could make some sense. But if that is what is wanted, why not just recruit accordingly?

Thank you. You worded this better than I could. There are stereotypes as to what some of the community looks like but at the same time, still dunno how to make myself presented as such. Is there some sort of secret bar lingo or drinks one should order to give a hint. But it's probably about the bathroom and they may be the type of establishment that has door guards or staff to make sure there aren't fights and sex in the restrooms.


I am a straight female. I would have a really difficult time going into the men's room and seeing guys peeing in the urinals. Yes, back in the 80s I used the men's room a few times at concerts because the line in the ladies' room was too long, but I had a couple of guys who cleared the area for me before I went into one of the stalls. And those days are long over. I don't think $150 is nearly enough to get me to do that shop.

At the end of the evening at work we were required to do a full sweep of the store on rounds 15 minutes before close so we could start locking doors from the back up. I was walking through the building and doing door locks and checks and made my way to the front bathrooms. Knocked on the women's "CLEANING!", no reply, walked in and all clear. Knocked on the mens, "CLEANING!" and no reply so I walked in and there was a state trooper just taking a wiz. -_- He apologized when he came out for not replying and said he didn't understand what I had said. Very awkward. He then proceeded to order a small cheeseburger and Coke..

You shouldn't have to feel sorry

@Sybil2 wrote:

I am 100% straight (sorry, I was born that way!) but I have used both the men's room and the ladies' room depending on the length of the line and the urgency. Surprisingly many of the men's rooms have been cleaner than the women's room.

In my hardcore party days, you would find anyone and everyone in any of the bathrooms. Sex and drugs go hand-in-hand apparently in the restroom. Is that why they have the condom machines in the restrooms?
Interesting... I would consider this shop if in my area, but how would I portray this role? I would imagine that I would just go in as I am and just utilize the women's restroom and claim that I identify myself as female and go from there.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
My nephew is gay (not trans or transvestite) and an actor. He is also an advocate for the community. He could so pull this off. There are probably a numnber of shoppers who would be comfortable with the scenario.

I would have far less issue with this shop than I would the shop where you're supposed to steal something to see if they stop you.

Shopping up and down the Colorado Rocky Mountain front range.
Oh heck, we're mystery shoppers, we're actors playing a role. If someone wants to pay me $150 to pee in a different restroom then I will definitely go for it. It's a heck of a lot better than the pee testing shops already out there that only pay $10.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
As always, Cettie gets to the core of things!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
not if the heels and wig come from a goodwill store

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I live in Hollywood. The heels and (term removed as it can be considered derogatory - MOD) wigs get snatched up quickly from the Goodwill store here.
I've never been to a Goodwill store. Aren't they selling used items? You could not pay me enough money to put a used wig on my head. Come to think of it, I would never put used shoes on my feet either. I do donate my items to Salvation Army and I think Goodwill though.
Maybe Caitlyn Jenner will try it out since she's a fighter for Tran's rights???? Hey, I'm from San Francisco, no prejudice here. My first cousin has a gay son, and his sister has a lesbian daughter, My side is straight and we all get along, the gay son is great, so much fun and his humor makes everyone want to be around him. I could care less if they go into a stall as long as their clean.
Edited to liberal as I may be, I'm not going into a men's john.......I have good holding power...smiling smiley

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2017 04:36PM by Irene_L.A..
Well, I'm interested enough to want to know what the company is so I can see if they have the shop in my area. Sounds like it will go really well, or really poorly, but that'll be a great story to tell!
I stopped by a gas station yesterday and on the way to check the restroom, there were Mennonite men using the women's restroom because they had a large group stopping for bathroom breaks and refreshments. That was an interesting question on the report when it asked how long I waited to check the restrooms and why I was unable to get photos. It said I should wait up to ten minutes and check again. They were still taking turns.

Why would you be looking? winking smiley

In all seriousness, the guys would have their backs to you. My first experience with a unisex restroom was at a concert venue a couple of decades ago. While realizing there were urinals, and they were occupied, I just kept on walking.


I would have a really difficult time going into the men's room and seeing guys peeing in the urinals.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
MountainCacher88 Just to clarify, bisexual are folks who are both active with men and women, Transgender would be ones who are transitioning or born with one gender and identifying as another.
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