This car salesman is a #?@!

My dealership closes at 9pm. We get customers that walk in at 8:45 and expect to take time to browse the lot then go on a test drive. Sears, Home Depot, most places direct all customers to head to the registers 15 minutes before closing so the employees can go home on time.

People will send an email, including their phone number, then get mad if we call them. Don't put your phone number if you don't want to be called. Don't send an email inquiry, asking questions, if my email response is going to upset you. Don't spend four hours with me driving four cars and letting me help you determine the right vehicle, then come back on my day off so someone else can take half or maybe all of my commission. That's why my email includes my schedule and my business card includes my cell phone number.

I tend to avoid most retail shops just because I do not like to tie a sales associate up too long. Ten minutes for shoes or a electronic accessory I can handle. Half an hour or more for a cell phone or pretending I am a contractor just doesn't work for me. I've never even checked out other dealerships, because many of them are terrible and I know it already. I never figured out why some people enjoy working for places like that.

My posts are solely based on my opinions and for my entertainment, contact a professional if you need real advice.

When you get in debt you become a slave. - Andrew Jackson

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@challa wrote:

Honestly, I've never had an easy car sales shop....which is why I won't do them for the normal first offer from MSCs. As a woman, I've been shown more about the color of the car than the engine. I know more performance information about the cars than most of the salesmen, but they assume that I'm only worried about the look. I've had sales people take my own car's registration and refuse to return it to me. I've had sales people call me a dozen times asking for my husband. Car shops are a pain....but when they are bonused, I am a sucker for them.

Right! I am a woman and they ALWAYS think I'm more concerned about the color than the engine!
I think it's possible he was planning to be sick and miss work on Monday. By not scheduling any appointments on the planned sick day, he might have risked his plans being revealed. So, he scheduled your appointment, and desperately tried to get you to come in before his planned sick day. Regardless, he sucks! I'm sorry you experienced that!

When I worked for Toyota as a Customer Relations Manager years ago, the salespeople's commission was also based on the amount the vehicle sold for. I remember a salesman bragging about selling a vehicle to an elderly lady, and making an almost $2,000 commission! That was over 12 years ago, though.
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