What is the coolest job you have done as a ms?

Cruises, of course, though I haven't done one since Arthur left :-(. The first time I did LEGOLAND was awesome; Terry Fator was performing (before he got famous) and there were only about two dozen of us in the room. He was worth the price of admission to the park. So funny!

ETA: The MLB shop where we were fourth row seats behind home plate. I would never spend that much money on my own for baseball tickets, so it was a great treat.

Now scheduling travel shops for the day after Christmas through mid-January.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 11:59PM by PasswordNotFound.

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One of my coolest shops was also one of my earliest ones, and it was cool not so much for the shop itself but what came out of it afterward. It was a car dealership oil change shop, and while waiting for the oil change to be done, I had to observe various areas of the dealership. While on the showroom floor I noticed they were having a contest, where you could enter a ballot for a chance to win tickets to a local NHL hockey game. At the game you would go onto the ice in between periods to shoot the puck at the net and win a new car if successful. Amazingly enough, my ballot was chosen and my husband and I went off to the hockey game. I let him head down onto the ice for the puck shooting, but of course they had the goal net covered over with a board with only a small opening for the puck, so he didn't manage to win us the free car. But we did get a manufacturer-branded leather jacket and a few other trinkets as consolation prizes. Pretty fun outcome for a fairly basic mystery shop.
@amberngriffinco wrote:

getting a certain usps worker fired. been the biggest jerk for yrs.. finally GOT HIM

You must do some pretty terrible jobs if getting someone fired is the highlight of your MS experience.
My train of thought was more along the lines of "you must have a crappy life if getting someone fired makes you happy."

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
@amberngriffinco wrote:

getting a certain usps worker fired. been the biggest jerk for yrs.. finally GOT HIM

I had a bad USPS delivery driver that worked the route for a business I worked at for many years who would claim delivery attempts without ever going to the business as we were up two sets of elevators and one block walk to get to from the loading dock. We had video surveillance and the building had surveillance that showed he never even went to my floor.

It is almost impossible to get a USPS employee fired. Even when I had video evidence from two sources and one being a national security company of him falsifying delivery attempts got me nowhere. I had to drive down to the post office and wait for him to return at the end of the day to get the package.

Complaining to the postmaster and bringing the video got me nowhere. The postmaster refused to even look at the time stamped video on my laptop. Only after filling out a very official form and sending it directly to the postmaster general did I get this bad driver moved to another route in the same office. Not fired, just moved.

I can understand how this could get very personal if your loosing packages or mail. He stayed in the same zip code and we had several packages and letters go missing soon after his route changed. It's not too much of a leap to think he was stealing the mail and tossing it in the garbage somewhere to retaliate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2015 11:08PM by scanman1.
@scanman1 wrote:

@amberngriffinco wrote:

getting a certain usps worker fired. been the biggest jerk for yrs.. finally GOT HIM

It is almost impossible to get a USPS employee fired.


My dad worked for USPS for about 20 years. He'd tell me all kinds of incredible stories about co-workers slacking off and pulling stunts to get out of tasks and such. They had such a strong union. Interestingly enough, my dad was a union rep and his future mother-in-law was a management rep in the same area. They had battles.

I don't think there are any Russians / And there ain't no Yanks
Just corporate criminals\ / Playin' with tanks
@saacman5033 wrote:

@amberngriffinco wrote:

getting a certain usps worker fired. been the biggest jerk for yrs.. finally GOT HIM
You must do some pretty terrible jobs if getting someone fired is the highlight of your MS experience.
I suppose it depends upon the USPS worker, doesn't it? I'm sure most of us who don't live in major metropolitan areas have to deal with someone on a regular basis that we'd rather not. If he got fired, then it was for a lot more than one MS report. My aunt is a postmaster and says that the USPS has a very strong union and it's almost impossible to get rid of anyone without repeated, documented evidence (and even then, they pretty much have to be white, male, and under 50). Amber's was probably the last in a long line.

Now scheduling travel shops for the day after Christmas through mid-January.
@bgriffin wrote:

My train of thought was more along the lines of "you must have a crappy life if getting someone fired makes you happy."

I was feeling generous. It's the Christmas season after all.
@PasswordNotFound wrote:

@saacman5033 wrote:

@amberngriffinco wrote:

getting a certain usps worker fired. been the biggest jerk for yrs.. finally GOT HIM
You must do some pretty terrible jobs if getting someone fired is the highlight of your MS experience.
I suppose it depends upon the USPS worker, doesn't it? .

I can think of no circumstance under which getting someone fired would be "the coolest" as this thread is discussing. At the very best, I can see getting someone fired as a necessary evil. If someone is to be fired based on my shop reportings, I'd rather not ever know about it no matter what kind of service they'd provided me over the years.
My favorite has been the Lamborghini shop I did we priced out the car and it came out to a little over 450K paid 150 bucks, no test drive.
@ShopSouthTexas wrote:

Such a cool topic, mainly because I love what I do and don't sound as though I'm bragging or boring others who don't mystery shop.
I've done so many cool shops since I started out seven years ago. I was given an airport badge to get through security and shop every single store, cafe, and bar in two terminals.
Thanks for asking, thanks for reading!

How were you given that Airport Badge? I would REALLY like one for Little Rock...
@Crickettt wrote:

How were you given that Airport Badge? I would REALLY like one for Little Rock...

You meet with the airport's head of security at around 5 am when they are first showing up to work. You speak with them in a private office for awhile and then they sign a card and stamp it for you; this lets you through the security checkpoint. Then you start shopping as usual. At least that's how it worked when I did it. They also validated my parking and made it free.

"The future ain't what it used to be." --Yogi Berra
I had to go to an office, take a test, and received my badge a few weeks later I believe. No secret 5am meetings here. But the MSC did vouge for me and give them my name, I couldn't just show up unannounced and on my own merit.

Doing what I can to enhance the life of my family! I LOVE what I do smiling smiley
@ShopSouthTexas wrote:

I had to go to an office, take a test, and received my badge a few weeks later I believe. No secret 5am meetings here. But the MSC did vouge for me and give them my name, I couldn't just show up unannounced and on my own merit.

Whoops, I didn't mean to imply that anyone can just show up unannounced. The MSC set up the meeting with security beforehand and let them know to expect me as well.

"The future ain't what it used to be." --Yogi Berra
Pinchers - At first, I thought you were messing around about the 5am meeting! Then I read further and it sounded legit! I hope to get my badge again, but I moved 4 hours south of the airport. They contacted me recently but I just can't make the drive sad smiley

Doing what I can to enhance the life of my family! I LOVE what I do smiling smiley
My favorite was Epcott. All I had to do was buy my ticket, answer a few questions about how well the ticket sales person at the booth did her job. And enjoyed the day during the flower expedition - reimbursement for my ticket which was about $82.00.
Gosh it is so hard to choose...

1. The $75 shops to try and buy a pack of cigarettes
2. The movie theater 5 minutes from my house that serves dinner while you watch your movie (best potato skins and my favorite burger anywhere).
3. The hotel shop that took me a whole 5 minutes to complete.
They just wanted to make sure that the keyless entry worked!!!!
4. The waterpark hotel that my kids and I loved with dinner and breakfast included.
Restaurant patron count, 3 hours on site $100 pay
and Bank shop short report 22minutes on site $125.00
International five-star hotel, evaluate all of the outlets, tour service, spa. I could do these all year long, or at least once a month!
Roughly a $3,000.00 reimbursement, with a fee enough to cover car service to and from the airport.

@Professional Guest wrote:

International five-star hotel, evaluate all of the outlets, tour service, spa. I could do these all year long, or at least once a month!
Wouldn't mind that myself!

@Professional Guest wrote:

Roughly a $3,000.00 reimbursement, with a fee enough to cover car service to and from the airport.

@Professional Guest wrote:

International five-star hotel, evaluate all of the outlets, tour service, spa. I could do these all year long, or at least once a month!
Do these still exist in any other capacity? Sounds awesome! I've never done a reveal reward for an employee. What MSCs should I check with to find one?
I would have to say that the strip clubs rank right up there, although I stopped doing the ones that require me to get lap dances, after I met my wife. These shops pay well, include a food appetizer and drinks, sometimes a limo ride to the club, great hospitality, and I cannot complain about the view.

I also think concert venue concession shops and casino shops are cool, especially when I get to gamble with the client's money and keep the winnings.
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