Hey, I saw you at the other store!

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@Sandra Sue wrote:

I like the box quotes also. It makes it faster to read instead of having to wade through a long quote just to get to the commentary. By the way, what does HTML stand for?

Lol sorry, this stuff isn't HTML stuff, it's BBCode (or Bulletin Board Code). It's a pretty common language used in a lot of forums.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
Tarantado, they were just in the same paragraph. I was combining two comments. Sorry for the confusion.
I had that problem as well with a gas station route I did every month. One of the attendants didn't ask for my ID when I tried to buy cigarettes stating he remembered me from before. I had only shopped that location 2 times before and it was once a month so he had an amazing memory.
Needless to say, I couldn't shop that gas station as part of my route again.
I hate it when I am spotted.

MSPA Silver shopper shopping the Southeastern states.
I had this happen when I did apartment shops earlier last year. The person who showed me the apartment neglected to mention they float around from building to building. So the next day when I did the other building, guess who was there? Good thing I said I worked at a place in the middle of both buildings and managed to keep my cool. I ended up evaluating a different employee at the second building and thankfully people in Toronto will view many apartments, even sister buildings so it's not completely out of the ordinary.

Silver Certified ~ Shopping all of Toronto and beyond
I don't think the employee necessarily suspected you were a mystery shopper, unless you had to ask an odd question. I shop at multiple locations, even on the same day, when I'm not mystery shopping. When McDonald's had the free smoothie coupons, I think I stopped in three of them the day the coupon expired.
I was doing an audit of a phone store one day. Showed the manager my authorization form, and did all of the usual assurances that I would not photograph customers/employees etc. I'm walking around the store with a camera strap around my neck and a clipboard in my hand. One of the customers is stalking me and whispering, "You're a secret shopper aren't you?"

What's a secret shopper?

Evaluating and mailing packages since 1994. I am an undercover connoisseur of customer service, a master of disguise in the aisles, and a sworn enemy of subpar experiences. I blend in, observe, and report—because excellence should never be a mystery.
I have heard of cases when shoppers are asked if they are a mystery shop. I hav'nt, but my answer would be--I would smile and say, "Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I read a lot of mysteries. Who is your favorite authour?" As for being a secret shopper, I would probably say I don't have to shop in secret, I have no one at home so I can shop whenever I want.
Just my 2 cents.
It sounds like the worker was trying to start a conversation, from what seemed like common ground.
My answers for, "Are you a secret shopper?"

Nope, I have no idea what a secret is but isn't that some kind of internet scam?
No, I am a Merchandiser and I travel all over the city.
No, I'm a retail rep and I travel all over the eastern part of the state checking to see if products are in my assigned stores.
Are some of these shopper so self centered that they think that the average store clerk remembers us? So do, most don't. I've gone into many shops, done my secret part, left the store to get my camera or something, came back into the store to do the reveal part, talked to the same clerk, who apparently believed they never saw me before. Even is they do rememer us from last week, deny it and go about your business. Give up a paid job 'case I'm too much of a weenie to lie? Not me.
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