First Shop A BUST sad smiley

techman01 Wrote:
> If you had trouble with your photos then there
> would be a big issue

Yes, there would be since I am a pro fotog. I guess I would have to find a new career. :-(

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~ Jimi Hendrix

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AuntTJ Wrote:
> Gosh if you have nothing nice to say about someone
> say nothing at all. Thanks for the attack on me
> since I have never ever done a shop in my life for
> anyone. I had no idea what they expected since it
> took them over a week and half to even contact me
> with feedback, just starting out. Yes I kept the
> pizza for a week and half big deal it wasn't in
> your house or your fridge. What harsh words. No
> I'm not so heartless and cruel that I would EVER
> serve anyone not even a dog that hard nasty pizza.
> Get real. I guess this isn't a place for me to be
> since I'm new and I have to get ripped like this,
> how awful. It dumbfounds you it should

I am not attacking you nor does it seem like the others posters, either. I am insulting the manipulations that a Client wants done to his retail item. There are some attenuating circumstances we do find ourselves in for the Client. As a shopper, we do live and learn. If you feel they are insults then take them for learning lessons.smiling smiley We, too, have had the awkward shop that we waited on "pins and needles" waiting for the feedback and payment. (Some of us have kept other things in our house or freezer for longer than a week.) Let the one whom haven't be the first to cast the first stone.grinning smileygrinning smiley

BTW, this is the place for you. smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley You will get better and you will improve. And when you do you will be a seasoned shopper and you will be able to poke fun, not at the future shopper, but at the shopper shop. Because as you can see, most of the replies pick apart PIZZA and pizza shops, not you.
I've done dozens of the pizza shops, and I'll almost always take one if it's bonused to $10 or so. Last time I did one, the photos were rejected. What malarkey, the photos were exactly the same as always. So I'm taking a cooling off period for now.

The company who does these pizza shops is notorios for rejecting them. I'm sorry you had the misfortune of this happening on your very first shop. It does get better from here, I promise.
My pizza shops does not requires photos. And the pizzas are always very eatable!

expect the unexpected
I've been doing pizza shops every other week for almost a year (same shop, same pizza) and have never had a problem with the photos. My company is very clear that the photos from above must be exactly square to the pizza and the one from the side exactly dead on. My custom has been to take four or more for each view, trim them in Photoshop so they're just the pies and no extraneous areas and submit them. Haven't had a problem yest - except the expanding waistline.
Regarding saving items from an early shop for just in case...
My first ever mystery shop, about four years ago, which was actually a merchandising assignment before I knew the difference, I had to visit a retail store and collect a bunch of long stick lighters that had been recalled (butane leaked when you adjusted the flame control knob - but really, what's a little butane leaking from one end when the flame you're adjusting is all the way at the other end?) Per instructions I sent them back to the manufacturer. Easy $8. However, when I reported the shop, at the front page of the report was a warning "Do not return lighters until further notice. Simply report quantities retrieved." Too late. I had already FedExed an unlabeled box of over 40 full defective lighters across the country. I guess someone else questioned as to whether this was wise to do.
I signed up for two more locations right away and on the new instructions, sure enough, "Retain lighters until further notification is sent to you with instructions for their or disposal or return."
Four years later, I still have a box of over 70 LARGE (but only a little bit leaky and still mostly full) DEFECTIVE LIGHTERS SITTING IN MY BASEMENT! (All-cap screaming fully intended in the hopes of getting my own attention.)
I'm still awaiting further notification.
And every now and then thoughts of the lighters cross my mind...
If my home owner's insurance company knew about this, would this affect my premiums?
When do these lighters become abandoned property?
Would they make nice stocking stuffers?
70 lighters could make a nice little bang. I would go ahead and dispose of them.

Have PV-500 & willing to travel.
"Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard." (The Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil, 1977)

"Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue.” J. Andrew Taylor

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." Galileo Galilei
I'm sorry if it was taken as an attack, I definitely didn't mean it that way.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
AuntTJ Wrote:
> Gosh if you have nothing nice to say about someone
> say nothing at all. Thanks for the attack on me
> since I have never ever done a shop in my life for
> anyone. I had no idea what they expected since it
> took them over a week and half to even contact me
> with feedback, just starting out. Yes I kept the
> pizza for a week and half big deal it wasn't in
> your house or your fridge. What harsh words. No
> I'm not so heartless and cruel that I would EVER
> serve anyone not even a dog that hard nasty pizza.
> Get real. I guess this isn't a place for me to be
> since I'm new and I have to get ripped like this,
> how awful. It dumbfounds you it should

I am sorry for any insults. This should not happen here and is not normally the case. Equally, a "pecking order" should not exist here, as it does on Stay with us.
elcarev68 Wrote:
> Would they make nice stocking stuffers?

Only for those family members that you don't particularly like winking smiley
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