First Shop A BUST sad smiley

well I did a pizza shop they accepted some of my photos and rejected the others. Grrrrr I have no idea what they are looking for. I looked at the online manual and I did just what it said. I'm not incompetent but boy they make you feel like you are. I honestly don't see a difference in what they showed and what I did, so not keen on doing another pizza shop. Wasted money for me since I don't eat pizza, scared to let the kids eat it for fear they want me to take more pictures, after a week and half of nothing from them finally trashed it. I'll look for others whats bad is every time without fail all the shops are backups expect the pizza ones they are the only ones available all the time. I feel like I'm stalking the website for non pizza shops, lol. I would like to become good at this and always have it in my arsenal of work since I'm unemployed now. Bit bummed out, re-uploaded pizza pics again to see if they like these.

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I did one pizza shop. I got the pictures to within about 1/2 degree of being square in the frame and received an email to resubmit them. First and last pizza shop because I really don't think that particular pizza is that good anyhow.

Have PV-500 & willing to travel.
"Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard." (The Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil, 1977)

"Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue.” J. Andrew Taylor

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." Galileo Galilei
Is that the one the requires you to have a digital camera, not just a camera phone? Maybe it's the quality of your pictures. I did a revealed audit for the same company and because of the lighting at the location, my pics just barely scraped by their standards. I've got the same issue with not eating pizza, so haven't done any of the pizza shops, and am getting a better camera before I try to do more of those sort of shops. Try doing some that don't require pics.
I don't do the pizza shops for a variety of reason - find some other companies to work for!

It's good to read the feedback from you guys. Sounds like it was a good choice NOT to do those shops!

I love their pizza, but am trying to stay mostly gluten-free because of the way it makes me feel, so seeing those shops listed has been a serious temptation. I'd be really upset with myself if I broke down and did one (and ate some pizza, 'cause I know I would have) and then didn't even get paid.

James Bond 007.5 Wrote:
> I did one pizza shop. I got the pictures to within
> about 1/2 degree of being square in the frame and
> received an email to resubmit them. First and last
> pizza shop because I really don't think that
> particular pizza is that good anyhow.
AunTJ -
Don't be discouraged. The same MSC should have a bunch of non-pizza shops on the board. Give 'em a shot. Better yet, branch out to other MSCs, and rarely a pizza you'll find.
As for the pizza shops, I had the same problem and kind of went overboard in trying to ensure success after being given a chance to re-do the assignment. Other shoppers were having the exact same trouble as you and tech are describing, which was my problem as well. I had never had a report rejected before, and when I called to plead for an opportunity to redeem myself, strangely enough the project manager not only gave me a second chance, he saw that I got partial reimbursement for the original shop. My return visit was the same pizza order, the same lighting, and the same camera, and went through with no problems (I had also used a second camera and different lighting and took lots of backups, but I wanted to see if the original work should have been approved before I tried submitting the alternative photo capturing). At the time other shoppers on this forum were speculating that there was an overzealous photo editor with the MSC on this project. I'm inclined to think they're right.
If you don't want to just let it go, call the MSC and ask to speak to the project manager to ask for better explanation regarding your photos.
If it's the same MSC as I think it is, I do a lot of grocery shops through them, and I really like them in general. But it was my first shop with them where I had the issue with my (non-pizza) photos. On that one, I emailed them, sent backup photos, etc.
Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. I did 32 of these shops before my first one was rejected. Almost every Friday night at my house was pizza night. Selfishly, because I did not want to cook. Professionally, because I wanted to make money. I took the photos for my first few shops with the most awful camera you could imagine, and, even on occasions that were 100% poor planning on my part, with a cell phone that was prehistoric in picture-taking abilities. All accepted. Somewhere around the middle of those shops, I invested in a camera (not just for this) that is fantastic. I took pictures of pizza's like I was shooting the for the cover of a fashion magazine. The last 2 I did were rejected for poor photo quality. No way I will buy that story as you could see someone's eyelash (Lord knows, I HOPE it was an eyelash) laying on top of a pepperoni. Poor photo quality...bull. I don't think it was the MSC as I work with them on several different jobs that require way more detailed photos that the top, flip, and side of a 1-topping pizza. I have never had issues with any other type of shop. I am not telling you to not do them. Just don't do them unless you really want to eat a 1-topping cardboard pizza for dinner and hope you get paid back for it.
Yes I used a digital camera (non cell phone camera) that was a requirement.

For health reason I'm doing gluten free, dairy free, corn free (feeling so much better now) so eating the pizza wasn't an option but I knew I'd have the kids so it would have been perfect for them.

I have multiple photos of the work so I uploaded different shots, accepted some wanted me to redo others, waiting for next review.

I had no idea there were so many different MSC, so I signed up for a few of them that I found on here and became a member of MSPA-NA.

I will for sure look for non photo shops. I've never seen grocery store shops I'd surely be interested in what they have to offer.

Thank you all for your replies.
I'm trying to stay gluten-free, corn-free, soy-free, low sugar, etc. so have to turn down a lot of fast food shops. I've re-introduced dairy, but am not consuming nearly as much of it, also trying to eat cleaner in general.

I actually did a sit-down restaurant shop a couple weeks ago where I had to take a friend. I was required to ask menu questions, and since we are both gluten-free, we asked a lot of them! (I previewed the menu online to make sure that there were somethings that we could probably eat before we went.) I also gave them feedback specifically in that area on my survey. It was just for a locally owned bar and grill, so I don't know if they will ever have more shops, but I'd love to do more of them.

And, yes, I love getting free groceries! The stores that I shop at often have good organics too. You do have to ask a lot of questions and get a lot of associate names on the shops so shopping takes longer and there is a lot to remember, but I have my routine down at this point.
Please don't be discouraged. That's a bear of a shop even when it's not your first shop. Hang in there. There is a lot of great advice on this board, especially for new shoppers. Keep reading. Ask questions. Sign up with many companies. One step at a time. =)
Yes, I call that the mutilated pizza shop. Mine was also rejected. It sits bonused all the time, and who wants to do it?
I take an extreme amount of pics, first on the hood of my car in bright sunlight, (multiple shots) so that they see the pizza's freshness right from the oven.

Then, I take it home and place it on a white table, get the best lighting (you need that... because they want to see every spice, cheese bubble, pepperoni edge, glistening olive, crust tone, and thickness of crust) and when I have taken enough, I eat the pizza. smiling smiley

Will I do one again?

(maybe once in a great while). smiling smiley
Many, many veteran shoppers refuse to do those shops because they are notorious for being rejected over photo quality. It was just bad luck that you took one as your first shop. Now that is behind you, get right back up on the pony and trot on into a bright future in MS, knowing that is now behind you.

The more you read here, the better you will understand that all of us "old timers" have made every mistake in the book, and then some.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
The only way I would do this shop is if they guaranteed reimbursement even
if they randomly decided to not like some of the pictures. They won't accept
that requirement, so I won't do them, no matter how many times they ask
or how big a bonus they offer.

= + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = +
There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots
When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody
One company contacted me months ago about a pizza shop where every second piece of pizza need to be put on there side and take pictures of them. plus picture of the whole pizza. After reading their instruction I decline their offer. They were phone in and pick them up. 4 pictures total was required.
To me $10.00 plus the cost of food did not worth it. Food that I could not eat.
I do Pizza hut specially the stuff crust, baby likes the cheese and Pizza delight when near one.

expect the unexpected
AuntTJ Wrote:
> well I did a pizza shop they accepted some of my
> photos and rejected the others. Grrrrr I have no
> idea what they are looking for. I looked at the
> online manual and I did just what it said. I'm not
> incompetent but boy they make you feel like you
> are. I honestly don't see a difference in what
> they showed and what I did, so not keen on doing
> another pizza shop. Wasted money for me since I
> don't eat pizza, scared to let the kids eat it for
> fear they want me to take more pictures, after a
> week and half of nothing from them finally trashed
> it. I'll look for others whats bad is every time
> without fail all the shops are backups expect the
> pizza ones they are the only ones available all
> the time. I feel like I'm stalking the website for
> non pizza shops, lol. I would like to become good
> at this and always have it in my arsenal of work
> since I'm unemployed now. Bit bummed out,
> re-uploaded pizza pics again to see if they like
> these.

What dumbfounds me is someone who keeps a pizza around for a week and a half in case the MS company wants photos.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I purchase (for personal) a LC pizza two weeks ago. It was so terrible I couldn't eat it all in one setting. (did not want to waste my digits.) grinning smileygrinning smiley I wrapped it in aluminum foil and placed it in the refrig. I forget about it. Last week I remembered. It was as hard as a rock. I place the pizza under water and stuck it in a conventional oven until if "came back to life". (best hard pizza I had in a long time.)cool smileycool smiley

Moral of the story----->I don't like LC pizzas. Just imagine if I had to take pictures of it 2 weeks later. (The same way it looked 15 minutes after being home.

I don't do pizza shops b/c they want you to handle it touch. You have done everything but sit and spit on it. (That may have been done for you already.) angry smileyangry smileyangry smiley

Then you want to turn around and feed it to somebody. "Hey honey, I am bringing home a pizza for the kids.?!?!?!'confused smileyconfused smiley

I hear you, your Serene Majestyess smiling smileysmiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2013 10:51PM by sojo917.
Cettie - you and me both. I was thinking the same thing. Why would they ever want pictures that are of a pizza a week old

= + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = +
There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots
When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody
Cettie Wrote:
> What dumbfounds me is someone who keeps a pizza
> around for a week and a half in case the MS
> company wants photos.

'Twas her first shop. Just covering all her bases.
There's no zealot like a convert. smiling smiley
(Good thing it wasn't a frozen treat assignment.)
If it's the company that I think it is, they use "in house" software rather than SASSIE or Prophet.........harder to work with.

Sorry this happened to you. I don't like the pizza............not worth the headache or heartburn.
I love the fact that she was being so conscientious about getting the photos! :-) We want to do a good job when we first start out and sometimes we go more than a bit overboard with it. I'm that way with my reports.

I think the pizza she was talking about was a PJ pizza - which I do love, but still shouldn't eat. I'm personally learning not to be tempted by a few extra bucks for shops like this, and instead to try to focus on the ones that reimburse for things that I do use and enjoy.
Gosh if you have nothing nice to say about someone say nothing at all. Thanks for the attack on me since I have never ever done a shop in my life for anyone. I had no idea what they expected since it took them over a week and half to even contact me with feedback, just starting out. Yes I kept the pizza for a week and half big deal it wasn't in your house or your fridge. What harsh words. No I'm not so heartless and cruel that I would EVER serve anyone not even a dog that hard nasty pizza. Get real. I guess this isn't a place for me to be since I'm new and I have to get ripped like this, how awful. It dumbfounds you it should
I do feel though, like I am assaulting the pizza... by flipping it around in the pizza box, like a rag doll..

Makes me not want it, after I have flipped over a few times...

And after you take all the photos, the pizza is ice cold and the cheese has congealed..... sad smiley
Auntj: please don't be insulted. I am sure Cettie did not mean anything by it. Everyone has to learn as they go along. This forum is a great place to get ideas and commiserate with other shoppers about things that happen on a shop. Please give it a chance.
I have performed a few of these pizza shops in the past. Usually with a high bonus. Since I don't like their pizza, I take my photos and give my pizza to a homeless person. Most of them have been very grateful. And I have never had any of my photos declined.

“I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.”
~ Jimi Hendrix

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” ~ Mark Twain

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
We do have a lot of fun around here and often it is at our own and each other's expense. I won't say there isn't anyone here who goes out of their way to offend, but you will find most of us do not. It is still a forum and the written word does not always convey actual intent.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Shop2LiveinFL Wrote:
> I have performed a few of these pizza shops in the
> past. Usually with a high bonus. Since I don't
> like their pizza, I take my photos and give my
> pizza to a homeless person. Most of them have
> been very grateful. And I have never had any of
> my photos declined.

If you had trouble with your photos then there would be a big issue

For those that have had trouble with these photos, any of you
had trouble with the DQ food photos, if you have done those?

= + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = +
There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots
When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody
I haven't done the pizza shop.
My DQ photos have always been accepted, and I am a lousy photographer.

I'm very glad I don't come across many shops requiring photos.
I think the pizza client tends to be absurdly picky about their photos. That said, I did hundreds for one particular MSC without any issues.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
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