Interpreting feedback; what am I missing?

I am having a hard time making heads or tails of this feedback I received from a recent job.
Maybe I'm tired and burned out, but I can't decipher:
(a) if i did a good job or not
(b) if my score is low / middle / good
(c) what suggestions I should incorporate into my next assignment (as per their instructions)

I have sent back an email asking for clarification, but so far no luck. This is my first assignment for this MSC.

Can you help me understand?

(I will not name the MSC)

///////////////////////// Email received//////////////////////////

Thank you for submitting your assignment, XXX for our company. Our editing staff has reviewed and compiled feedback regarding your report. This feedback is designed to compliment areas you completed correctly and explain any areas you need improvement, for completing our reports and for requesting more assignments with our company.Your rating for this report is: 5

Please review the following, which will explain any areas you excelled in or any that need improvement.

Did the comments and/or summary have minimal spelling errors? 1.0

Report Consistency
Was there consistency between answers to questions and comments? 1.5

Thoroughness of the Report
Were comments thorough and descriptive, explaining any negative answers? (Also, if applicable, was the summary sufficient in detail?) 1.5

Were the comments and/or summary grammatically correct with minimal errors? 1.0

Additional Comments

Thank you.

Please try to incorporate any suggestions listed above in completing your next assignment for us.
Check our website for more assignments in your area.

Thank you for working with us and we hope you will continue to request assignments with our company.

Mike T
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Oh, we all know who it is. That particular MSC pretty much only gives 5's and it means you did fine. It was a bit jolting to me when I got my first grade from them and I made a similar post asking if I should be flattered or insulted. 5 means you did everything right.

I pray it does not occur that the last thing I did before I died was vacuum the house or eat broccoli.
Yes it is their quirky way of doing their feedback. It is oK to mention the msc because you are not mentioning the client. It is weird but do not worry be happy
Even Dead People get a 5 from them...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
The interesting part of that rating is the overall rating is a 5 but all of the detail breakdowns are either 1 or 1.5. That seems inconsistent and confusing to me.
If you add up the highest possible scores for the categories, the sum is 5.0. One way of looking at this time of scoring is the relative importance the MSC places on each category.
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